Being Unhealthy Could Cost You -- Money

Here is a real world example that you might not be aware of. When my company was just Expedient not owned by a parent company. I had great healthcare with Blue Cross Blue Shield. It was 21 dollars every paycheck. The doctors were great, the copay was excellent and the prescriptions were even better. We had low rates do to the average employee age was between 20-30. Then we were purchased by Landmark. With Landmark our average employee age skewed to 40-50. This increased the rates of everyone to approximately 35 per person. Health Care provider changed to Cigna which absolutely sucks!

So i had an increase of 28 dollars a month for shittier service, does not make much sense to me. My allergy medicine that I once paid 10 dollars a month for now got turned to 50 dollars a month. So my net increase because of older/sicker employees was 38 dollars a month. Now this definitely does not break my bank but it does add an annoyance factor to my life that I could do without.

It has nothing to do with being “poor” it has everything to do with being fair.