Best Buy Sunday 12/17 Wii Heads Up

For people looking get there an hour early at least, i got there 30 minutes early and they handed out all the tickets make sure you get your ass a ticket!!!

we arent doing tickets this time i dont think, first come first serve there was only like one person in the parking lot day they came out

The tickets pissed me off cause i was waiting in a line for no reason, fuckers. And it was all people who knew ahead that they had tickets. The paper made no mention of it.

so is this a ticket one or not, i might switch shifts with a guy at work if it is first come…

trying to get the morning off. anybody with some more info on this?

is it first come? and also what other stores bestbuy/circuitcity/target… which would be best. im getting ready as long as they let em released at 7 or 8 :slight_smile:

watching a drunk play wii is like nothing else… hint watch his actions not the screen… lol good times… wii ftw!

so i am determined to get a wii tomorrow.
When you lazy ass’ wake up, let me know which to go to for best chance at getting one…

Exactly, I have both.

Some games I will prefer the Xbox have, other I will prefer the Wii have.

Gears of War for Xbox360.

Zelda for the Wii.

I’m Happy.

nevermind, i can’t switch shifts, stuck working :frowning: that sucks.

G/L with whoever gets em, if you can get 2, ill gladly buy one!

anybody plan on waiting? or is… sadly i am at work :frowning:

Walk into target at around 10:45…

Me : Any wiis?
Electronics Guy : lol’s people were here at 12am,sorry.

lol stupid wiitardz! I am happy this system is doing well but im a little pissed that its so hard for other people to get them. I want more friend codes.

12am. wtf. wow

i got to target on walden at 1:30 am and was 10th in line. They only had 15 so it worked out for me. I also scored madden 07 and zelda plus another set of controllers.

A buddy went to Best Buy at like 2 am last night, he was 25th in line. They only had 20 to hand out but they let everyone know at like 4am.

Go to the wii friend code, give us your code thread and get ready for our miis

i was at best buy this morning then went to circuit city which was a joke cause they got a list of names of people that were camping out last night and said they they could come back in the morning and would get one still so only like 5 people got one. then i went to ebgames in the mall and they had 9 and i was 9th. i got zelda and another set of controllers also. my family and i played it all day, my GF even came over and kicked my ass in wii boxing every time we played (dont really get out to play that one).

i just started zelda b4 i went to work and its so slow i cant wait till i get some action. this is by far my favorite system ever big tup to nintendo for actually innovating something new

:tup: nice to hear others on here are able to get their hands on them, like Rob said post up your friend codes in the nerd corner sticky and create some whacky Miis

me dont have high-speed internet to do stuff like that.

on another note i didnt realize that the the nunchuck controller was also motion sensative, i dont quite understand how since there is not sensor on it?

wii FTW