Johawk brought this up and I thought it was a good idea too.
If you have a road you like to drive on, post it up. Video/pics always help.
My favorite; 9N from Lake George to Ticonderoga. Smooth pavement. 55mph limit, twisty, great view of the lake.
N Hudson-Moriah Rd, North Hudson, NY.
One of my favorite roads in the Adirondacks. Beautiful scenery and some nice turns.
Kelly station Rd, Duanesburg
Twisty, uphill i believe its currently closed since the last flood.
Northshore rd on the sacandaga ( in the off season) lots of great switch backs and awsome views
Theres actually a bunch of nice roads to drive in Duanesburg.
Forgot about Sacandaga. Love that road.
Central ave at 5:30 pm weeknights.
Oh shit I love that one!
There’s a few fun ones up near thatcher, cant think of the names though.
Beaver dam road is a 55 and a lot of fun but they fucked up on good corner recently.
There’s a lot of good roads out near here actually…
I used to live in Westerlo and really enjoy 85 towards Albany until you get through the traffic circles.
Yes when I take my bike to work I take 85 to school house.
old cambridge rd…greenwich ny
Lots of turns and straights and smooth for a back road
85 is rough as fuck in some spots. I hate it.
Washout/Gower/Ridge Road…Lots of fun 
Yes, that’s why I dumb off to school house. 85 sucks as you get closer to 20 and Albany
Where do you go from school house? 157 over to beaver dam?
Usually ill pick up the northway or 20