Best fitness sheridan / eggert

Who works out there? I signed up a few days ago, looking for some cats to pump madd iron with. I’m 140lbs so I can’t bench 300 or anything, but if anyone needs a weak dude to work out with to make them feel better, I’m down. If you’re a grunting meat head please don’t offer, I’m there to stare at titties and stay in shape. Oh, I’m there nights too…

God. Eat some food. You weigh less than me.

Is that gym 24/7? I am still looking to sign up at one, and it’s between that one and Planet Fitness. Just need to stop in and check the places out.


God. Eat some food. You weigh less than me.


sign up for a gym and send your meals my way.

it closes at 10 weeknights.

that does sound like a good deal.

Ryan, why don’t you work out at Alumni? You could join me there…

not a ub student, and the g/f would have a shit fit if she had to go alone…even though we don’t do anything together when we’re there…yeah i know.

140 pounds?!?! Are you 4’8"?

5’9", wanna know shoe and cock size too? lol

people if you live in there southtowns i know of a small gym that has every thing you need pyp at Sahlen’s Sports Park is a good one.

Naw, just favorite position. :gay:

Is that place in the mighty/yings/tap room plaza? If so have you been there? I should really sign up since it’s 1/4 mile from my house.

yeah, thats the one. super relaxed, everything is brand new. very very nice.


people if you live in there southtowns i know of a small gym that has every thing you need pyp at Sahlen’s Sports Park is a good one.


haha, what?!?!

there is a gym at Sahlen’s Sports Park.

Just put him on your ignore list.

He’s the only person I’ve ever been able to put there and not remove out of temptation to see what he posted. Every single post I have ever seen him make has been a confusing jumble of letters that loosely mushes together to form some sort of irrelevant series of english-like words.

Ah closing at 10pm, I get out of work at 11pm, sucks.

That reminds me, I really should have gone to the gym tonight instead of drinking beers and sitting…

lol, i’m in the same boat…yuengling black and tan is too good to resist.

I spent about 20 minutes at Consumer’s just drooling. Wound up with St. Rogue Red Ale. Purely because of the description:

Behind great beer there is a brewer, and behind great beef there is
a bull. Fukutsuru (Fuku to his friends) is that bull. Ranked the top
marbling bull in the U.S., Fuku is a Japanese Wagyu bull whose
offspring produce premium grade American Kobe beef served
with St. Rogue Red.

Over 10,000 units of Fuku’s pride is in the freezer for future
breeding. In his final days, Fuku was given the opportunity to
“socialize” with some fine, young cows. Instead, he chose to take a
nap. We dedicate this beer to Fuku—a rogue to the very end.
Rest in Peace.

That is awesome. Period.