Bethel Park Police has nothing to do...

Sleeper I hope before you become a cop you can at least learn how to spell. If you weren’t there you really can’t say. The cops knew I was joking w/them and thats why they laughed and said thank you for being so cooperative. But yeah man I was defiantly “OWNED”. I didn’t recognize we’re in 7th grade. I’m pretty sure you’ve never met me nor do you even know me, but hey apparently you are God thus, I bow down to you and you own me.

youngtegger- thats BS I hate stupid tint laws. I will be that one person who as soon as I get it taken off I go and install it again haha. But according to cranberry township cops/state trooper they CAN pull you over for just tint (everytime I’ve ever been pulled over was for tint). Thank god I will be getting medical tint soon (yes I really need it). Hell supposedly in PA all windows on cars (minus suv/trucks) have to allow 70% of light through (which is 70% tint) which is pointless cause cars factory are tinted darker then that.

But yeah 20% is lame I could understand 5% but 20% you can see in the windows.

I know I have 3% on my windows.

You should just fight the power even more and spray paint them black. I think that’d be pretty rebellious. Fuck those cops. :tool:


yeah… except I do actually need medical tint because I have sensitive eyes to lights hence why I have tinted prescription glasses. If I could have tinted my car using health insurance I would have so I had to do it like this and wait a year.

you = tool


if your windows are tinted that dark. how is everyone going to see your black girlfriend

Your an idiot, plain and simple.

Hah, you caught me man!

:eek4: :rofl:

I almost shit myself. :bowrofl:

i’m not sure whether to laugh my ass off or drop my jaw in disbelief.

:rofl: at people still getting tint, getting pulled over, and bitching about it on Pittspeed.

Here is a little hint - tint is stupid and illegal. You know this going in. QUIT FUCKING COMPLAINING ABOUT TINT.

I wish I was a cop, I would pull everyone over who tinted their windows.

It’s like putting a sticker on your car saying “pull me over because I am a toolbag who knowingly put illegal shit on my car”

fuck tint and fuck the retards who bitch about it on Pittspeed.

^^^ This kid is ALMOST as cool as DarkTurd

I am nowhere close to darkfag

I should change my name to “FTINT” :kekegay:

Hilarious! If you’re so tired of hearing/reading people bitch about it just don’t read the thread. I recognize its illegal I was just suprised that they pulled me over for tint alone.

quit posting stupid threads and I will quit reading them.

If you’re stupid enough to click the shit I’ll fucking post all day long.

“Officer, I know it was illegal for me to run that red light, hit that car and keep going, and bowl over some old lady but I am surprised you pulled me over for that”.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :owned:

who is :owned: ?