Bethel Park Police has nothing to do...

Who cares who is owned. If you don’t like the topic of this thread or my opinions that is cool, I respect that. I think that you’re taking the whole I ran the red light thing a little far. I’m not sure but I don’t remember the last time an old lady was killed by window tint, but hey maybe?

illegal is illegal

:nono: now now boys… simmer down.

i’ve been pulled over 14 times…9 of those times were for tint…4 in South Fayette Township (thats where i live - watch out for Gary Thomas - he will arrest you for tint if you give him a smartass attitude…got out of 3 of those) 3 times in Peters Township (Girlfriend lives there - know some cops there - got out of 2 of those)…once in bridgeville and once in Ohio. The shitty part is about 3 of those times my windows were half way down and it was in the middle of a sunny day and i only have 35% tint…so in other words the whole tint law is pretty much for bored cops…and if i was a cop and some punk set an alarm off as i was looking in his car i’d screw him over too

Yes, you are right. I am wrong. You are my savior thank you so much! Can I have your autograph? Its so illegal though that shops still do tint though? I feel bad for the old lady that was apparently killed by window tint film! So murdering someone and j-walking is the same thing correct?


and no, you cannot have my autograph.

easy kiddo…your taking this way out of proportion.

:naughty: can I?


What would it take :idb: lol just playing! I’m chilled I found some helium to suck

:nono: not that kind of autograph silly.

Haha, thats exactly what I was thinking! You hoe, you beat me to it though ha

your loss

:cuddle: :love:

LOL, I don’t even care about my tint anymore I just want to get some Woodchuck cider and call it a damn day already!


:kiss: for calming down. lol

…woodchuck cider. :eek3:

calming down=being a pussy and quitting the argument early.


Oh please—trust me I have plenty of arguments actually worth while I’m dealing with here at work. I can’t argue w/perfection! I think I enjoy pissing Sleeper off just so he posts some shit so I can look at the hottie in the picture, well worth it