Bethel Park Police has nothing to do...

agreed 110%
I said the same thing in court to a cop. asked him what he felt safer walking up on.

and the fucking retard said an SUV :bowrofl: :nuts:

I don’t understand that at all? I would shit my pants walking up to a huge SUV w/tint, a hatchback or a sedan eh not so much.

is this thread still going??

you are not the victim here. you broke a law, and had to pay the consequences. whether you think it is a necessary law or not, it IS a law. there are reasons (probably good ones) that these restrictions are in place. you don’t have to understand them.

Well check the dates, it looks like it is. We’re talking about the current tint laws if that’s okay w/you lol. I’m not looking for pity from anyone (nor did I request that in any of my posts) I was sharing my experience and if you don’t like that hop on over to another thread.

sounds like you need another woodchuck cider.

Then you dont tint your car if you have kids I guess… either that, or they freeze for a few minutes.

or a shorter skirt anyway. :dunno:


wait till the new OEM law gets passed (Bet theres good reasons for that too…)

then every car that is not stock, gets a ticket…

then the rest of u “Short skirt” wearin posers will be crying all along the same “Unfair” river.

Whats the details of this new law?

dude let me tell you about Mt.Lebanon police. Fuck Them. I got a huge ticket of like $175.00. I always was in south park and bethal and they really dont seem to care. But I guess there inforcing it now. :confused: I mean come on now let us just have tint on our car! trucks, vans, suvs, etc…can man some shit is crazy.

Hm, your a police officer…you pull over a nice 2007 nissan SUV with tinted windows for a stop sign violation, you walk up and it is tinted so you can’t see in… you step up to the drivers side window and bam! Some POS drug dealer or psycho shoots you in the head, you leave your family and friends behind all because you couldn’t see in a a vehicle that was unsuspecting and a normal family type vehicle. Yup, seems like tint is more important in a lot of your guys eyes than safety and family:stick: To all who bitch about it…get a fucking life and think if it was your father or yourself who was in that situation, the police obviously have reasons behind the tint law and if you people would think about it for just a fucking second maybe you will understand but nooooooooooooooo your little fucking rice wagon or pimp mobile has to have the windows tinted for no medical reason but just to look cool:confused: :stick:

people are paranoid in traffic and dont want to be seen picking thier noses and eating boogers:kekegay:

thats the only reason i got my windows tinted…

thats why you ask them to put the windows down or get out of the car and come back if your afraid of approaching

My windows are tinted because I like them that way and because I still wear sunglasses on overcast days. My eyes hate the light.
The funny thing is that my SUV’s came with everything but the front sides pre-tinted darker than anything I’d do on my own. Adding the front sides seemed like a no-brainer.
On my Audi, I just think it looks better. That should be enough. If they ticket me, I appeal, and I win. Happened before (although not in any current car I have), and I’m sure it will happen again.

Sleeper—I totally agree/understand but guess what, that SUV is legally able to have the tint. If they’re going to enforce it great thats understandable but why not SUV’s also?

If someone hates cops enough to shoot one…i think they are going to be ballsy enough to shoot them with or without tinted windows. In this country you do have a right to your own privacy, there are some perfectly good individuals with dark tint…cops just assume it’s some asshole or some drug dealer…profiling ftl

0.0001/10 for a comeback. You don’t think the cop has a better chance if he can see in the vehicle? I am sure it will make a difference if the cop can see what the driver/passenger(s) are doing when he/she approaches the vehicle. So if it gives them a better chance in staying safe then I am all for it. Sure there are good individuals with dark tint…but there are a lot of piles of shit that have dark tint that won’t hesitate to shoot a cop. Think of it as the one asshole ruins it for all threory…it may piss some people off but at the end of the day the police are a lot safer.

I agree about the whole SUV argument…most have tint on all windows except the front. There should be no exception to the law…espicially when a SUV tends to be the vehicle of choice for these low life piles of shit.

apparently none of you have had a search light put in your rear windshield before…

they want to see what you’re doing while you are driving.