BIG REDS wanna be Nick Cage Build thread.

Cant wait man, this is prob going to be listed as oone of my fav build threads of all time, nextto my buddys fairlady Z and 2000GT Skyline

did you stop by my house lastnight or something?

yeah. had to scoop some fireworks, steal some labatts and rock your elder sibling in forza.

yah I know! All he needs is some big time motivation and once he starts he wont stop! Its just getting him to start thats the hard part.

Its currently white, but he wants to have it re-painted…He’s thinking like a deep candy apple metallic red or a dark metallic blue.

Dumb fuck :retardclap

fuck this car, just build this dave

Would rock! :lol

forgot you were a fuckus fanboi :lmao

Yeah, Ive always liked em and wanted a SVT for a long time! Something different in the 4cyl world, seeing how hondas etc etc are everywhere. Id love to pick up a white SVT, slam it on some classics and throw a Vortec blower on it

A you love the foci

FUCK yeah! :lmao

oh boy… :facepalm



Tell me that wouldnt look hot lol

yeah it would be a sweet DD…

way to spike my call too you ni99er

You called? Im upstairs playin COD, my phone is downstairs :lol

haha NOICE call me later.

Dave where are more updates

calm down, calm down.

I brought the fenders to the bodyshop yesterday and did a bit of work on them. The drivers fender was fine no bondo or damage, I just needed to weld the emblem holes. The passenger side was a different story however,It weighed about twice as much as the other fender, never good. I ground out all of the old bondo and found a ton “wormholes” Holes created when using a slide hammer. However rather then welding up the holes and doing it right they just caked the bondo on. So I ground all of the old stuff off, hammered and dollyed the dents, welded up the holes. which was a major pain in the ass because the metal was really really thin and it kept burning through. then I blocked the rest.

drivers fender before

and after

The antenna hole on the passenger side.

all gone

and now the start of the fun stuff

notice the bondo in the emblem holes

more fun under the bondo

all gone

and the worst

all blocked

nice progress!!! def moving along nicely!!!

I didnt know you knew how to do body work??