Big Street Racing Bust in Southern California

That’s ridiculous.

“that shit was orchestrated”… :crackup

that seems like an awful lot of money that could of been put to better use. street racing will never stop. i don’t know why cops act like they can stop it, its like saying that they will be able to stop illegal drugs from being sold.

True but with that many citations and fines they made way more than spent.

And really it never can be stopped but it can be partially controlled, as in this situation.

…And yet the federal govt. spends billions of dollars each year to try to stop the drug trade as well?




true that… they can work on controlling it but they will never be able to stop it . . . not enough man power…\

on a side note:this its rediculous that the by standers were getting arrested and cars impounded as well, i can understand if you were racing or were lined up to race but WTF if your just watching? i know they can say that you are being involved and whatnot but its not like one person can walk out there"ok guys gotta stop racing, its breaking the law"… ya know?

I saw a few clean/nice cars there, but that sucks major for those people.

i wouldn’t consider it controlled, it was stopped for one night, thats it. people were probably out the next day in the same area. i don’t get sending 100 cops for a street racing bust, 20 of them prob could of had the same effect.

so 20 cops versus 200 people? not likely

I don’t think they overstepped their limits at all



big groups like that draw too much attention, like everyone that sits down on the “spot” all night, i wish they would go arrest them all, so we could go back later w/ like ten cars, race and leave. like normal.

you really think that 20 cops would of been less effective then 100…fuck they had a bus there and just loaded the people on it and took them in. they didn’t need 100 cops to do that.

and i never said they overstepped their limit, they are just inefficient. but they are part of the government, they love to waste money and not actually think about how to do something effectively.

You have a point in efficiency but put yourself in their shoes:

If you knew of 150-200 people that were all gathered up outside your house, would you want 20 of your buddies to help you or 100?

oh pants party, you are so wise. :tong

but what if my 20 buddies had loaded guns and were trained to use them? i probably wouldnt be worried. :tong

This is california we are talking about, this isn’t some piddly ass washington avenue ext.

I can see your point about overdoing it, but then again, if things were different and 3 officers got shot/killed, the fact that they had only brought 20 officers to the scene would have shined a completely different light on the subject