bigger turbo

so besides a 35r or buschur’s 3065 kit any ideas on a high horsepower pump gas friiendly turbo thats good for the street?

define high horsepower…


ForcedPerformance “makes” the 3065, not Buschur.

Also, I was flowing 51.5 lbs/min on pump gas and a stock motor with an SC61 (GT40 compressor/T350 turbine.)

Take into consideration that at a certain point, depending on your setup, you’re going to hit a ceiling with X octane.

Well, I’m about to be running a Big 16G turbo on my Conquest, I’ve been researching, and that turbo had the best feedback. Spools up VERY fast–expecialy with the 3" KDM exhaust from turbo back I’m getting :)-- unlike tha 18g which spools slower, but will hold more boost in tha long run. I’ve seen quests running 375hp on tha big 16g…so that makes me happy lol.

eh 3071r or people have been having really good luck with the new holsets… there so damn cheep and you can get them straight from the dodge dealers…

gt4202r makes good numbers on pump and spools faster then a 35R

fmfkid250, this one was a 35R, right?

nono that was a
turbonetics t3/60-1 .63ar @32psi
@20psi the car made 480


r u joking?

Hybrid said there 42 spooled better then there 35

I believe they were comparing the 35 on the 2.0 block and the 42 on the 2.2 block.

ahhh IC

can u really consider the 35R a good pumpgas turbo. i mean its efficiency range is like 28psi +. i dont think u can run that on pump on any motor. 20-22 on pump is more like it but still your not even using the turbo. probably better off with that 3065 or i hate to even say it but a 50trim does real well on pump atleast with the EVO’s. I dont know what motor is this gonna be on?

35R + E85 pump gas + sleeved GSR block to 2.0 = good pump gas turbo setup?

At least that’s what I’m planning later, anyway.

if thats the case you may need bigger injectors

I thought we were talkin 93 octane , not the E-85 wich is a great fuel. but where is there E-85 around the burgh?

sheetz FTW

might not want burnyd to see you there filling up tho you might get called a ricer

Also, octane is not the end-all factor in how much boost you can run.

For example, I ran 29 on pump, but with 14* peak timing. Coiincidentally, I made the same power at 25 PSI and around 19* timing, and felt that was a safer tune anyways.

Then, there are guys with built motors, more displacement (even if only slightly,) etc, that, because of maximized setups, can choke more airflow before detonation.

turbo would be on a 2.0 block bore .30 all forged parts and so on. the only thing im missing is a big turbo and either aem standalone or dsmlinke. all fuel parts and odds and ends ive been collecting up over the winter and are physically inside the car just waithing for some wrench time to be put on