Bike accident on the s curves?

That goes without saying dude, no one on here wants to see anyone hurt or dead but we all know that people can do rediculously stupid shit and get themselves killed. Its inevitable that people are going to die but when they take other people with them, thats what makes me angry.

^^ Right, it’s one thing when a dumbass dumps his bike and gets what he deserves for F’ing around, but limps away with a sore ankle and some rash.

at msf they said with the consumption of alcohol, the first thing to go is your judgement. a car is a lot more forgiving than a motorcycle. you don’t have to balance a car while you operate it.

I think anyone refuting that beers will negatively affect your ability to ride a motorcycle more than a car is foolish.

and I also agree with bobbyg that noone here is defending street racers

thats all true and i cant disagree with you, but it just happens that the owners have a bar and they can have meets there. if a rider chooses to drink, thats their repsonsibility and mistake.

i honestly didnt see many riders drinking today and the ones i did, i could look right at them and see why they were.

the guys who came out for the bikes, saw the bikes.
the guys who came to drink, they drank.
the guys who came to see the bands, watched the bands.

if you have no self control to go out to a bike meet, THAT JUST HAPPENS TO BE AT A BAR!!! and not drink while riding your bike, then i have no pity for you when the shit hits the fan (or truck for this kid.)

I never understood hosting car/motorcycle events at bars…


i never have either, but everytime it happens and people show up.

I’m anti car shows and cruise nights that serve and promote alcohol. Just asking for trouble. Tow local car shows give you all you can drink beer for admission cost. I am suprised nothing has happened yet.

As for the biker, you don’t know what happened. Like I said, there was a car behind where he was hit, so it could have been a driver not paying attention to the bike in front of him.


People dont remember how bad cky’s thread about him pounding a crub ending bad for him?