Bike Crew: Another 20 something rider getting locked up

Is it just me or does he appear to be ripped off his ass in the Crab Shack video?

Might just be me… but I’m pretty sure I can see directly through his eyes into the abyss that is inside his dome.

Sold it for your family or sold it for a retainer on the lawyer (so your family didn’t have to pay)?

So what mile, exactly, was that wheelie covering? (Back to Willy’s comment earlier… )
If I was up to it, I could identify the road, use street view and measure the distance… but I think 30 seconds of a shitty wheelie are good enough. How about you pick a lane? And then maybe a lane within that lane? Fuck. Amateur. Being good at a wheelie and being able to do one are completely different things…

When you are being chased by the cops and leave your own bike behind in the mud, did you think you would just be able to run through the woods while calling the cops and report it stolen or something? Were you expecting to go all Ralph Philips and be on the run for months? Start planning your life in Mexico?

You can go glorifying your riding ability all you want, but you are part of the problem and not the solution to bikes having a bad rep. It almost sucks that buying a sport bike is so cheap because it puts that many more irresponisible assholes on the road.

So 1. your a tool for the way you ride and represent the sport and 2. for posting retarded pictures of yourself on facebook as if this was high school and myspace was still cool.


If you were legit, you wouldn’t get caught. Just sayin…

Hey. Don’t lump me into that. I do use my bike for sport during the day but at night, its a method of transportation.


I love how wheelies make you “skilled”. When you are dragging knee at 90mph, let us know. Bikes can wheelie themselves but it takes skill and balls to turn one.

Dude, are you fucking retarded?

Like, legally?

That’s not even an insult, it’s a serious question. I mean, have you re-read your posts at all in this thread?

How to “Ride for Sport”:

  1. Try and evade police if possible
  2. Do Wheelies (This is a must)
  3. Try to impress as many guys as possible by showing off
  4. Have no regard for other riders or bikers (because they’re different)
  5. Don’t worry about safety gear, [sarcasm]hospitals stays are much cheaper and hurt a lot less[/sarcasm]
  6. Don’t ever be afraid to crash, you might even end up in a plush coffin…pretty cool :tup:
  7. Try and attempt to grind on as many bitches as possible…nobody will suspect a thing if you do.

I’m wondering the exact same thing… Or maybe it’s just he’s too fucking dumb and brainwashed by too much Jersey Shore that he thinks that’s the way to live at 29…

You seriously need to go take a good look in the mirror at yourself… you’re 29 years old acting like some punk teenager. EVERYTHING you’ve posted on here proves it, and I’m sure will be forwarded on to the judge as proof of character and how you don’t care about any consequences to your actions.

---------- Post added at 07:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ----------

  1. Look in the mirror, you are exactly this person; showing off your “bike”
  2. Standing by the bike guarding it so people don’t damage it… never been to a large motorcycle gathering huh? There’s ALWAYS guys guarding the bikes from the idiot public.
  3. Never needed any car or bike to be able to talk to a woman.
  4. Talk shit about a good rider?!?!? LMAO! Nope, just the ones that “think they can ride”! Like has been said, when you can drag your knee at 90+ and can go through a S turn like a monster then you’re a good rider.
  5. Just joined? I’ve been a contributing member at online car forums for going on 13 years now, and I have PLENTY of friends outside of online
  6. I wear a full piece suit and the proper safety equipment because I have a family to provide for, bills to pay, and a son that I want to raise properly!
  7. Wheelie’s are “easy” to do… the bike will do it itself. It’s not a fear of crashing that prevents it, it’s the brains in my head that says do it at the track; Also Reference #6.
  8. Mommy and Daddy bought me very little; a bike was NOT one of those few things. I pay my own way, always have.
  9. Nah, I’m not an internet tough guy… but if you threaten me in real life, there WILL be consequences.
  10. Trash talk? Nope, just reality.

Rather be a squid huh? I’ll remember that when my friends are cleaning you off the road with a shovel and kitty litter to absorb your fluids you smeared everywhere.

Haha Bryan I wasn’t referring to you <33

I feel bad for this kid. When someone’s got so much to prove they’re usually really hurting inside. :frowning:

Dude’s attitude is unreal

He has seen a community member die, been arrested, broke his foot pulling into a parking lot, etc… Yet still is resiliently unafraid of any consequences. Honestly, no words that we say can equal the experiences he’s seen, and it still has ZERO effect.

Good luck with the rest of your life man. You’re gonna need it. I would WAY rather see you take life more seriously and slow down, than to read about your death in the news.

Are we all getting trolled really hard right now?

Honestly, I hope so.


Hopefully. But trolls usually aren’t this good. It’s hard to fake genuine stupidity. Have you ever tried to post with awful spelling and grammar? It’s hard.

lol, now that would be funny.

No, this is a real person.


Does this guy have a kid? There’s a bunch of pictures of a little boy on his FB page… that would add a whole different level of stupidity!

i think so too