bike issue, video

any ideas about what this clicking noise is? the noise is only noticeable when i am off the throttle in gear slowing down.

So you are saying if you are off throttle slowing down but not in gear, the noise is not there?


does it change if your resting your foot on the shift lever ?

not sure have to take it out again…

try it , im wonderin if ya have a shift fork hanging . does it do it allll the time or only certain gears

pretty sure it does it in any gear

can ya tell where the noise is coming from ? ya know front rear middle . how old is the chain

having trouble figuring out exactly where the noise is coming from, as it only does it when riding… and my hearing is shot.

How old is the bike? Just wondering.

Its a 1982 cb900f super sport, soo she’s got a few years

How’s the chain tension, loaded versus unloaded? Age of chain? Stretch, etc… you can get a ridiculous amount of noise/clicking/vibration from an old chain that’s nearly binding on deceleration and almost getting pinched in between the crankcase and the chain guide and /or around the front sprocket, or even slapping against some part of the frame on it’s way toward the front sprocket.

Easiest way to ‘check’- put it up on a stand (well secured), start it up, put it in gear, give it some gas and let off to see what the chain does under decel.

When you chain/sprockets are rather worn, you have enough slack in the drivetrain to actually bunch up and bind in some of the spaces where the chain normally just slides through…

Gunna go out on a limb here and say its not the chain…

Because if it doesn’t do it when he is not in gear but still slowing down the chain is still moving so the noise should still be there.

Yes, this is what has been confusing me. Though in gear the chain may behave differnetly… i just really don’t know bikes… anyone here work on bikes? I just want this ol gal fixed b4 the season has sllipped by.

Where do you live? I live practically on the Schenectady/Nisky border and tomorrow night I am free if you can swing by with your bike and I can take a look at it.

i do appreciate that, however i live about an hour south of albany