read my posts in this thread
I did and I was agreeing with you that other parties aren’t exposed enough - I know I certaintly never heard of the guy –
But I think because it was going to be such a close “Every vote counts” race alot of people voted for the lesser of the evils. If they voted the other way they would get practically no where except ok we have just an ass hair more exposrure or to say that they didn’t vote for either one. Like I said previously if someone can do it better more efficient Job GREAT bring um on…
i forgot the basis of a president’s term of “fucking everything up” was solely based from mike knapp directly.
the demand hasn’t changed, yet poeple were overflowing out of gas station parking lots in line to pump gas…
that does happen all the time… i must be imagining shit.
… so within a week of a tremendous hurricane and the american public freaking out and using 170% the amount of gasoline as normal consumption, the president should push for e85 to be at all pumps, battery power cars to only be sold, and hydrogen powered cars be swapped for gas? i don’t get it… what do you want to happen… snap his fingers and people just don’t need gas?
getting away from gas is a fucking HUGE ordeal… you seem to be a smart guy … so you already know that gasoline is used for a number of things NOT RELATED TO DRIVING A VEHICLE… how about heating costs? soaps and detergents? making plastic? and other things that require petroleum based surfactants… i mean come on…?
what about the walmart fleet of gas burning volvo trucks they just spend billions on? they are looking at 100 million increase in energy costs… alot of good a battery powered car will do for that.
turn over enviromental reforms that were BULLSHIT… like the whole global warming / ozone bullshit… read the paper today? the trib printed the study on the ozone and global warmnig that clinton signed the studys and reforms for… check it out.
quoted in the trib
" Panicked motorists race to pumps as prices surge"
“spooked motorists racing to the pumps to beat price increases, add fuel to the price pressure, gasoline retailers say”
“compounding the problem, the failure of electrical transmission capibility in the gulf coast area has temporarily halted the flow of petroleum through much of the 5500 miles of distribution line in the colonial piplines, whcih carries about 100 million gallons of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel daily.”
yeah… darkstar is rright… demand hasn’t risen :ugh:
You’re making way to many assumptions about what I’m saying, and then arguing about the assumptions. So now I have to argue about things I never said or implied.
Through everything I’ve said, I’ve been saying bush hasn’t been a significant force towards enviormental change. I am saying or expecting him to magically change things tomorow, no way. But I do look for there to be progress of some sort, not for their to be stepping back in the opposite direction.
fshowcars always gets like this when his boy Bush gets beat on a little bit.
unless people are driving more, then demand hasnt risen you asshat. you think that everyone just went out and bought gas last night to go drive around in the parking lot and burn it off?
keep it in mind next time…
he gets his info from the trib, what do you expect?
just because everyone decided to fill up at the same time doesnt mean anything as far as demand. They arent using any more, they just decided to all buy it at the same time. Its the same way with those stupid ass “everyone boycott buying gas on Sept 15”… it doesnt make a lick of difference. They will still either have to fill up the day before of the day after. The same amount of gas is being bought and used.
it puts pressure on the price you dumb ass…
you’re going to tell me that everyone’s using the same amount of gas, the people that used to walk arond new orleans to get food that are now driving 500+ miles to get the fuck out aren’t using more gas?
helicopers for survival attempts aren’t using more gas
buses, van’s trucks, trains, fucking mopeds aren’t being used mre? get fucking real.
the lines at gas stations show an increase in demand… demand isn’t consumption
they stepped back on ozone reforms because its’ total bullshit, the studies were done and its’ certian.
well, all you posted in this thread is ‘remember gwbush makes money on increased gasoline’ so what were you saying? just an FYI?
i’m just arguing the fact that our president is faced with this bullshit, not making it bullshit
I don’t think the thousands of presumed dead or homeless people will be driving, that should even it out.
haha… what about the trucks to take them away? the fuel for cremation furnaces? the petrolium used to line the caskets with plastic?
suck my cock… he’s your president too
the lines at the gas station do NOT show an increase in demand. They show a bunch of people trying to hurry up and get a tank of gas in before a big ass rate hike. If they arent consuming more, then they arent demanding more. People dont buy the stuff and keep it sitting around in barrels. consumption is equally proportional to demand. and if you really think that the people driving away from the storm and the rescue helicopters are really influencing national gas prices, you are retarded.