Bing and Bob's Romper Room

Automotive school is good for some things… who knew?

Bob, you actually make it sound like you know what you are talking about, it might be confusing to some who dont know the two of us personally. What makes things worse is that you have some sort of education in engineering so people will assume that you do know what you are talking about… which in many cases is true, you do know, but then you go and talk about things like rod ends that you have no experience with.

Yeah in theory you know how metals work and corrosion this and load rating that, but you haven’t ever held top quality rod ends in your hand except for when you took a look at my multi-link arms.

So when you talk about rod ends some people might assume that you know what you are talking about, problem is, that I actually have experience with rod ends and you don’t. So when it comes to rod ends, what is available on the market and what is better for which application, you really don’t know what you are talking about.

Do you know what the difference is between a high and a low misalignment rod end?

I am 100% certain that you do not, or if you do now you most certainly did not know when we were arguing about my multi-link.

How do I know that?

Well, let me quote a few things that you and Ian uttered in our famous argument about my multi-link.

Link here:

its laughable that I suggested that you don’t need dust boots?… have you ever held a dust boot in your hand? Have you ever compared a high misalignment and a low misalignment rod end in your hand?

Have you looked at the dust boot and the low misalignment rod ends that I use and tried to put the dust boot on?

Do you know what the purpose of the Kevlar / Teflon liner is?

The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO!

Oh, no one knew who QA1 was… but now you do

Are you not you glad that someone like me does the research so that you can benefit from my work?

Do you know what the rod end that Titan used was?

Because I do know what the rod end is, and I did not try to sell him QA1 rod ends because QA1 does not make a rod end that will fit his arms. I can get much better pricing on Mc-Carr than he could and that is what I would have helped him with.

Also, theo is still running those same RUCA’s in his car… why are you not celebrating those arms, seeing as how I would also be responsible for those ones too right?

Oh wait… I forgot your advice… ignore some points, focus on others… perhaps you should read your own words bob.

And why oh why do you continue to hold me responsible for parts I didn’t make?

If I am responsible for parts you say that I sold simply because I sold them then why are you not responsible for buying them and then selling them to Alex?

Whats more is that when you sold those arms that you bought you made mention of my name, calling them Bing’s RUCA’s even though you know I didn’t make them. So you misrepresented a product using my name. If you don’t think you did let me assure you that you did in fact do that because I had people asking me if I made the arms… I said no I did not make those arms and then alex got rid of them and called me up and I delivered the real ones to him at work.

If those arms you owned and modified break, is that my fault or yours? I mean, if the sole basis for assigning responsibility is the act of exchanging cash for the item then you would be as guilty as I in that case?

If your skills at re-enforcing steel are as good as your skills at re-enforcing your point then i think you should track down who bought those arms and buy them back and destroy them… maybe you could do that by trying to argue with them and the arms will jsut combust out of frustration.

How is it my fault that the product failed if I never even touched it? all I did was make sure I had the proper amount of packages, made sure the right stuff was in it and shipped it out… I may never have actually physically touched that arm… but its still my fault.

What relevance is the price of the parts?

My facts are generalized?

How about that specific example, of which I know first hand to be 100% true.

A senior management official, the same one who now owns the company that builds my arms, told me to my face what the outcome was…maybe he was generalizing as well eh?

I mean a plant shutting down because its product is now being outsourced to china is quite obviously not an example of a plant shutting down because its product was outsourced to china right? I assumed that for my own purpose right?

Ok, this is the end of this post, so I am going to end it the same way you end your posts, with a rhetorical question that insinuates dishonesty on the part of the opposition without factual support…

Why do you keep skirting the issues?

I am thinking of making this my sig.

Bob, the engineer, has just stated with this post that FK, high-misalignment, un-sealed liner, non-dust booted, M14x2 (14mm), coarse thread, commcercial grade rod ends are better than:

QA1, low-misalignment, self-sealed (read: cant use dust boots, dont need dust boots), 5/8" diameter, fine threaded, automotive-competition intended rod ends

good call buddy, you just proved 100% that you know nothing about either rod end.

Bob, how is this for a calculation: diameter of shank

5/8" rod end = .562 x 25.4 = 14.27mm diameter
China rod ends = 12.25mm diameter

14.27 - 12.25 = 2.02mm / 12.25 = 16.5%

= my rod ends are 16.50% larger in diameter, but that of course is inconsequencial right?

i think you need to remember that Titan was not looking for the best rod end he could get… he was bound by a peculiar thread pitch and so his quest was instead for the best rod end he could get in the correct thread pitch.

considering his predicament i agree 100% that he made an excellent choice though… but i base that on actually knowing what is on the market and what is available, and i could have saved him $$ on it.

you based your opinion purely on hatred for me.

contact Kuah at SPL, Alex at Battleversion, Eddy at Peak Performance, anyone at JIC, Tanabe, etc. etc.

ask them if they will warranty thier RUCA if the rod end corrodes through.

i want a specific e-mail from any one of them that states that it would be unconscionable to do otherwise.

If you can prove to me unquestionably that ANY of these companies will 100% support their arms in this case then i will amend my policy.

however, even though i am certain that they wont warranty it, i can say that if i changed my policy to support warrantying in that case, i can tell you 100% that they would NOT change their policy as a result… and i would put my money where my mouth is on that one.

Tell you what,

When I have another chance to sit down and look at things, I’ll write up another reply. I’m not going to let you twist anything and everything like you useually do.


i dont use high-misalignment rod ends, and boots can pretty much only be used on high-misalignment rod ends anyways…

i use low misalignment rod ends with a self sealing liner because it eliminates the need for boots…

you just proved a few times over in that post that you DO NOT know the difference between a high and low mis-alignment rod end.

high-misalignment left, low mis-alignment right.

thanks for coming out though.

btw, i also explained that i used low misalignment in my post but you ignored that too.

yeah :roll:

look, i wouldnt bash megan racing or Varun… i love Varun and i sell Megan parts…

but dont put Megan and R&D in the same sentence please, in the context of this arguement it is flamboyant ignorance.

i dont care how many times they changed the stuff around, you cannot call a process R&D that yields a product that is not materially different from other market offerings, especially when it is released 17 years after the original product was launched.

if i came out with a Beta VCR that was cordless and had a DVD player built into the side of it that is hardly R&D.

and for you to claim that the rod ends are “much larger” is pure stupidity… there is not one single multi-link arm on the market today that is larger than what i use aside from some TC rods who use a larger rod end… megan is not one of them.

If you are championing Megan’s R&D department then perhaps you would like to show me a propriety product that Megan offers…

because i dont think they have one… and by that i mean you can buy a product literally identical to anything megan sells but under a different name.

its not just me either, every major US company i deal with is moving into these products despite years of reluctance… Megan is a driving force for sure, but that force has less than nothing to do with R&D.

My head hurts.

more tea please, two sugars

there must be something good about the QA1 rod ends, we use them in our shop drag car , we have various race teams that buy race fuel from us and they all use them in thier cars, and some of these guys put them through harsher elements then u guys could ever do on the streets, i mean serious mud boggin and rock crawling all types of shit , but what do i know , i build rice …

Hector > *.dumbass_posting_in_this_thread

i honeslty cannot beleive that anyone, particularly someone who has never used a high-end rod end, would trash these rod ends…

i mean, the BEST multi-link arms on the market in my opinion, with the exception of mine of course…lol… are by SPL… and they use QA1 rod ends… and they use a LOWER series, like 3 series lower, than the ones i use. the SPL arms use a rod end whose load rating is less than 50% what the ons i use have.

but some $2 rod end from china with a dust boot and no technical data to support it is WAY BETTER because Megan uses it on their arms… whoa i’m sold… and it would lower my cost like $40 per pair of arms too… maybe i need to ramp up my r&d a bit.

i have several of the rod ends, the exact part number, that SPL uses sitting here in a box and i wont use them anymore.

the first RUCA’s i sold had those rod ends in them and guys are still using them with no problems like 1.5 years later.

i used those lesser rod ends on a TC arm in my own car through the winter with no noise and i even got into a head on accident and snapped the back half of the arm… but the rod end survived.

i get yelled at by this kid for not posting stats a few months ago… so i come at him with numbers… then he yells at me for defending the gear with numbers… wtf?

wow team lexus uses a $60 rod end… who gives a shit… i could go to NHBB and buy a $150 rod end and use it on these arms and it would survive being dropped from a plane… but what good would that do for anyone?

i already use the best rod ends you can get on any multi-link suspension sold anywhere… and yet it still isnt good enough for bob.


i actually drop my car from a plane once a month to test aerodynamics… so thanks for not thinking of me asshole.


when you are ready greg, i will special order a set of NHBB rod ends, the ones that get used on Boeings and probably even space shuttles… the things are fukkin crazy expensive… but ur a pure baller so i know you can hack it.

btw… i wont warranty those rod ends either… you know… cause i dont make them. you would have to take up the warranty issues with New Hampshire Ball Bearing

thas right… strait ballin out of control. ya hurd?

and ill take those assholes to court if i have to.

fucking rod ends… didnt take 46,000 feet…

clearly i kid about this whole situation… because its gone on for like… 8 months.

im good friends with bob… and good friends with bing…

and for that… both of you are clowns.

and for the clownage… i slap you in the face.



its always the same story with bob… he’s awesome in person, but sucks on-line.

we were all buddy buddy last year at CSCS, he gave me a ride on a bike and i had my nuts on his back…haha

but then he just cusses and cusses and cusses on here about nothing… jeez.

If I was going to buy multi-link I would buy it from Bing because his rod
ends have the best value. You get good bang for the buck, and his parts
are at least as good as anything on the market.

I bet if we kept all this bickering down we wouldnt go over our bandwidth
limit :lol:

Forget it,

I don’t have the time to bicker with school here…

You sell and do whatever it is you need to do…

And talk to Scotty about getting his short shifter warrentied…

maybe scotty should put it in properly.

and maybe he should do me the courtesy of not blaming me for his shifter in public when he didnt buy it from me, bought it second hand, installed it wrong, didnt inspect it before complaing and doing all this after i do him the favour of going out of my way in the US, going to Autozone, picking up some stuff for him and his buddy, clearing it through customs for him and then delivering it to his friend the next day, all at no charge.

seems like the a mark-ass thing to do if you ask me… all things considered.

i dont think you really need to argue anymore about this stuff anyways.