Bing's meet

may 25th at the moment?

sweet ill be there

hmmm… solo 1 event May 24/25

ohh well

hey would i be able to get a light weight pully set at the meet if so how much??

and what makes ur car better then everyone’s?

the whole point of a car club meet is not to discriminate others that drive the same car as u. my .02cents

Don’t worry, I bet lots of people say the same about his car =)

he didn’t say his car was better than anyones.

i agree with him, whenever i’ve shown up to a larger meet i’ve park my car off to the side because any car i’ve taken to a meet hasn’t been very good.

if people are taking pictures it really ruins it to have a line up of 10 really nice cars with 1 rotbag stock car in the center.

No! Not the 25th! I’ve got a NASA track event that weekend.

Damn, I was hoping to attend this year.

the date is under review at the moment.

everyone please wait for the official announcement. it should be less than a week.

Bing can i bring my sweet crx to the meet?

you can ONLY bring sweet CRX’s to this meet.

f*** me… as long as its not sooner then later

just let us know as far in advance plaease my boss is a dick i need to give him lots of notice

shit, will there be a place to put my tow rig? cus my crx is WAY to sick and baller to drive there…

hahah am I the only one who finds it funny that those pictures are on

……Just throwing it out there.

all CRX’s are way too sick to drive here… they’re CRX’s brotha… shit yeah bitches… OMG WAT!

Free hosting ftw :slight_smile:

hmm 25th is alot better for me as well

I’ll be part of the many people coming from Montreal… Hopefully to get my rims by then!

Can only come once my A\C is setup though! :frowning: Leather + Sun + SR = no go for me, too hot :frowning:

dont you have 280 air? lmao