Blizzard 2022 Thread

Speaking of needing to know the story… This has to be fake, lol:

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This from earlier. City is still a mess.

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I saw a few vids of car removals.

When you abandon yoir car in a blizzard, do you basically give up all rights to your property?

I think they are putting them in designated places and it’s up to you to get them. Maybe there’s a fine associated with it??

Anyway, the boat made it to Wegmans on Amherst

Absolutely not. Technically they would be responsible for all damages.

Has anyone here actually filed an insurance claim for damage caused due to authorities damaging their property in the storm?

I live in the ToT, we had our shit together the whole time lol.

The dueling press conferences with the spat between Poloncarz & Brown is a bit comical, but also seems a bit unprofessional. For Mark to take shots at the mayor without having actually said anything to him directly comes across as a chicken shit move, but not surprising coming from him.

It seems to me that Mark wants to overtake the city operations and his move is to claim incompetence.

I’m curious what Hochul has to say on this…



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^ that on the canadian side?

lol… just looked at how warm it is going to be around here for the next week. 20% of the properties in the 716 about to be flooded out.


Good amount of melting today, at least where I was.

Coast Guard helping out the National Guard?

Snow is already melting, went from eden, to Hamburg, to Blasdell, to Lackawanna, to Buffalo, to orchard park and it’s all mostly clear. Just everyone trying to find a place to put the stuff.

Went skiing at Holiday today. Williamsville to Ellicottville via the 290/90/219. Never would have known a storm hit other than the 33 and 190 into Buffalo were closed from the 90.

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lol she hates white people & capitalism

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And people wonder why a random Tops in the ghetto gets shot up. #BuildThatHate

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She’s a hoot.

lmao this was hilarious, i want to see more of her stuff

edit - tried to google her but couldn’t find more videos. I’m surprised she didn’t call Byron a race traitor