I hope Buffalo is somehow forced to buy electric snowmobiles.
I didn’t really get a lot, but it was a major PITA.
My snow blower behavied more like a snow plow.
Took me 2.5 hours to clear even though i also did it yeaterday.
I hope Buffalo is somehow forced to buy electric snowmobiles.
Took me 2.5 hours to clear even though i also did it yeaterday.
Looting, lol.
The Speedway on Sheridan and Parker in ToT was looted last night.
My mother just sent me this:
This company didn’t even bother to come by her house after they destroyed her new fence.
All those white people looting those corner stores and businesses!
So here’s the deal on snowmobiles…from someone who’s been riding for maybe 20 years.
Trail sled = Hard packed, groomed trail use. Anything over 12" or so deep and theyre virtual 500lb dead weights.
Mountain sled = Designed for DEEP mountain snow fields. Longer tracks, deep track lugs.
There are very few people around here owning a mountain sled. Ive seen them on local trails, but they’re rare.
Where’s southtowns27 with his tucker sno cat???
Well now…
Robbing Aaron’s/family dollar is one thing. In fact I borderline support robbing Aaron’s. They can get fucked. But independent businesses is another story. Glad they are defending their livelihood, especially considering the struggles they likely faced coming here in the first place…
I thought it was odd they built all those houses at ground level when all the old cottages are up on the hill.
Edited because the Walmart looting vid was from a different city.
Epic douche. I need to know the story