boost leak? suggestions please!

i’m new to this whole sr thing so i’m not really sure yet what noises are normal, and what aren’t. i just noticed tonight pretty much that when i hit boost, there is a loud whooshing noise coming from the engine bay. it pulsates so i’m assuming its the air the turbo is pushing, coming out somewhere along the piping? i’m near 100% sure that it wasn’t making this whooshing noise any other times before tonight.

here’s an audio clip of the sound. it’s more noticable in the first section of the clip. you’ll hear the whooshing as boost kicks in.

any help is greatly appreciated!

Nobody’s got anything eh?

the sound is very faint… are you making full boost? if not, then perhaps your bov is not holding the pressure, if it is adjustable, try tightening the pressure on the spring to see if that makes a difference. but the sound doesn’t indicate that to me, i’m not sure to be honest what it could be, it alsmost sounds like your turbo is making the noise as if it were not balanced properly or something.

I think I’ve figured it out. All the bolts that connect my turbo manifold to my turbo, are loose, and one is missing a nut.

Hoping that is it?

It’s really hard to tell from that audio, but i had the same situation ; where the nuts were loose or completely missing from the manifold-turbo.

It came to the point where it literally sounded like a tornado , haa.

It’s a little difficult to get in there to tighten but is definately the culprit.

Yea I’m in the midst of attempting to tighten them up. Have to let it cool off more so don’t have to worry about my skin becoming one with the turbo.

Make sure your not wearing any rings or jewlery when you do this. Ive seen peoples hands getting caught because of a ring then them having to rip the ring out and badly cutting the finger because of it.

Not fun

Okay well it’s tight for now, but I’m going yo have to pull it off another day and do it right.

You should look at your exhaust, if its loose, or moves around a lot this will keep happening.

It’s funny. You know. Everyone has problems with bolts coming loose and blah blah. My exhaust has ONE hangar. At the very back of the car, with NO flex. I bottom it out all the time. NEVER had a problem.

Then again, now that I have opened my mouth…:frowning:

Glad you fixed the problem though! :slight_smile:

that sound is most definetly loose turbo manifold bolts .yes you nailed it.

yea i took it all out and did it over. i even spiked the nuts so they are oh soo tight on there, and i bent the tabs over the bolts aswell (they were not folded over the bolts in the first place). my exhaust does wiggle side to side though, because i hear it hitting off the diff all the time.

i’m not sure how i can stop it from moving that much side to side? any ideas? swapping the rubber hanger out for something solid i guess?

bing has the poly bushings…for exhaust.

thanks, i’ll look into them.