Brake Question (Clicking/Grinding Noise)

Lately there is a clicking/grinding noise when I am slowing to a stop. The noise is only when I am on the brakes lightly under 20 mph. I replaced the pads (ceramic) and calipers about 6K ago.

I pulled everything apart last week…cleaned everything, regreased the pins, and put disc quieter on the back of the pad…everything looked fine, the shims are new, everything felt tight. Put it back together and it the noise is still there.

It sounds like the pad might be moving…not sure why it would since everything is new…any ideas? My only thought it maybe rotors?

did it just start happening when you replaced the pads and rotors? does it happen on both sides or just one side?

i mean a clicking sounds like it would be a loose rotor… maybe you can use a shim to keep it tight against the caliper?

and if it was only grinding i would say maybe the rotor would need to be broken in. I know when I had ceramic pads on my car they seemed to make a lot of grinding noise while they were still new, until everything broke in.

It took a little while for it to start. It seems to only be on one side.

It makes a slight grinding noise and a click every rotatation. I thought about the rotor being loose. I know one of the lugs is stripped (sams club) where I cannot tighten it too tight. I thought maybe that may have something to do with it…but there are 4 toehr lugs that are tight…and the one that is stripped is still pretty tight…I can put decent pressure before it loosens again.

junk it,its a GTP

i had the same problem and it ended up not being the brakes at all it was a bad axle

and while you had the brakes off why didnt you replace the stud lol

single click every rotation sounds like an axle to me.

If it is an axle then why does it click only when they brakes are lightly applied?

because acceleration is forcing the CV… maybe it’s clicking into acceleration and clicking back when braking you just don’t hear it?

people shim OEM rotors? :nuts:

I always thought the way to check the axle was to turn the wheel ans accelerate slowly…if you hear a clicking noise then that is it.

I will try that today and see…is there any other test I can to to tell if it is with my brakes or axle? I do not want to start replacing stuff that is fine.

i was just guessing… i don’t worry about axles until they are broken :slight_smile:

if a click warrants you to replace parts, then hold up!

Being that you took the brakes apart and checked them out… i’d speculate to something else? how are the tie rods, ball joints and suspension?

go on a real steep hill and pull out it will put the axels under pressure see if maybe they slip thats how i found out my axels were going bad

I didn’t really check them out when I was under there. I specualted it was the brakes and focused on that. Late last year I put new struts on it and everything with the suspension looked fine.

Here are some things I noticed this morning that make me think it may not be a problem with the axle, but maybe a brake problem.

  1. It doesn’t do it when the car is cold. I have to drive around for a few miles before I notice it.

  2. I took it in a parking lot and turned the wheel and accelerated slowly…didn’t hear anything. The car was cold when I did this.

  3. Mostly notice it while coasting through traffic while foot was barely on the brakes. If I have to stop quickly then I did not notice it. While stopped I sort of jab at the brakes and I would hear it click/clunk.

  4. Maybe a better description of the noise is a click/clunk/slight grinding noise. Picture all noised sort of merged into one.

  5. Like I said I had it all apart and every bolt is tight, the shims are new, brakes felt tight.