yeah been there dont that…cept i did a spiral fracture and split it down the center. Good thing I was 1 1/2 becuase i cant remember it lol.
thats what I got in my left shoulder…may have to go in for anbother. I hope to god not becuase that was the most absolutly excruciating pain ive ever been in.
Oh yea, being at home for 2 months not being able to do shit and completely having to depend on my wife to do almost everything pushed our relationship to the limit at times. It honestly was the worst 2 months of our lives.
Oh yea, I can feel 4 of the 6 screws through my skin. I can’t wear boots that rub against it because it hurts and is irritating. And you WILL accidentally hit it against something and will scream FUCK very loud because of the pain.
omfg dude tell me about it. Know what really fucking hurts…when a low pressure system comes through from a rain storm. Last night my arm was hurting so bad it was hard to fucking breathe…literally. You get used to it…but when the pain is out of the normal specrtum…thats when it gets bothersome. I had to wear this bullshit for 4 months, then a regular sling for 1 month and 8 months of intense physical therapy. Oh and don’t laugh too hard at me in that pic lol…I was soooo fucked up on Demeral and Valium I couldnt feel my face lol. The shit they inject directly into your IV > ALL!
Need more info. Did the doctor mention what kind of fracture it was or where. If you were walking, I can’t see how it would require surgery. I broke my ankle in football when I was 15, it looked like James Caans foot in the movie Misery and I recovered in about 2 months with no surgery. Alot of times its an avulsion fracture meaning that the ligament pulled a piece of bone out, These almost always heal on their own because the body puts the bone back in place like it were a jigsaw puzzle. If you had a displaced fracture like the one in the picture above with the pins, you would not have been able to stand, in fact you would have probably need to go to the ER right away.
forgot the name of the bone, but it is the outer one thats fractured. It is my left foot, so the outer most bone on the outside of the foot.
The thing is…I was pretty hammered, and by the end of the night, I really couldnt walk on it much at all. IDK, going in today at 5 to see what he says, and hopefully get a damn cast on this t hing.
and these damn lortabs make me sick to my stomach when i take them :tdown:
well, went to the specialist last night and as of right now I do not need surgery. I have a nice big cast on. He told me I have to come in this coming monday for another x-ray to see if I’ll need surgery. But I’ll need this cast on for 6 weeks, then a big boot brace for another 6 weeks, then rehab.
Surprisingly my fiance’ is taking this very well. Better than I am actually. Ah well, @!#$ happens right? It sure was one hell of a stag!
please, Karma cares less about you than I do. And thanks for the -karma poor person :mamoru: