Buffalo Bills 2007 Season Discussion


Wow… thats all I can say is wow…

Anyone notice your lights just get a little brighter for a second? I think it was a power surge because 95% of WNYers just shut their TV’s off at the end of the half. :lol:

Well no doubt the Pats are good…but this just goes to show the class they actually have…4th and 1 and they dont kick the field goal up by 28…thats f-ing garbage.

it’s a 4 point difference. who fucking cares? if it upsets the bills, they should do something about it. it’s the nfl, not peewee football. i’m sick of hearing people whine about running up the score in pro sports. would it really have made you feel better if they had kicked a field goal? really? and by the way, i am a bills fan, this game is killing me. but i’m not about to cry because we are completely unable to stop anything at all. if they score 100 points, that just illustrates how much better they are, not how they have no class. crying about losing by too many points is kind of classless.

No its pathetic that at week 10 they are still trying to prove the point that “spygate” had nothing to do with them winning games.

Give it a rest…the game is in hand and there is no need to go for it on 4th and 1.

I dont care if they score 20 TD’s you DONT go for it on 4th and 1 if you have class and act professional

i just don’t see how kicking a field goal is that big of a difference. they give us a chance to not get scored on at all, and what do we do? we allow another td. it’s only 4 points and it’s professional sports. i don’t feel sorry for the bills because they are getting the score run up on them. i don’t think it has anything to do with class. there is a game to be played and the pats are playing it. and they are playing it way better than us. if we were stomping them like they are doing to us, i don’t think you’d be calling the bills out on it. oh yeah, i like your avatar.


2x in one game :sigh:

Its obvious they are gonna be 10-0 so what the fuck is the point of still having Brady and all the starters in there and going for it on not 1 but 2 4th and 1’s???

i knew you would like that 2nd one. but would you seriously feel better if they had kicked field goals? i just don’t see how it’s low class in pro sports. i can see your point in peewee football with young children, but it’s professional athletes. do you think their feelings are being hurt by this? if their feelings are being hurt, do you feel bad for them? i don’t. so if they had kicked 2 field goals, it would now be 41-10, not 49-10. is it that big of a difference that you feel the need to complain about it?

has moss scored in the 2nd half? last i knew he was up to 4

and to think i debated starting roethelisberger over brady.

now if they had gone for an on-side kick there, i could see your point. that would have been a bit much.

I am just aggrivated beyond belief and I suppose its an easy target to yell at the Patriots…but honestly…2x when the game is not on the line and its 4th and 1 is much more than just playing a game…its proving a point and I dont agree with their point.

yeah he’s still at 4.

They will and can take it like men. I’m sure every single player in the NFL has been through some type of domination in their career. Only team that stands to maybe upset pats are the steelers, and they lost to the jets :frowning:

Now thats depressing…

nice tackle lossman

yeah but i don’t think they are trying to prove a point. they are in what is normally 4 down territory, with 4th and 1, and kicking a field goal is just as bad as going for it as far as running up the score. they need a field goal just as badly as they need a touchdown. hey, nice. should hobbs have taken a knee instead of running that back? was that poor sportsmanship on his part by running that back? he has a job to do and so does the rest of their team.






yeah but i don’t think they are trying to prove a point. they are in what is normally 4 down territory, with 4th and 1, and kicking a field goal is just as bad as going for it as far as running up the score. they need a field goal just as badly as they need a touchdown. hey, nice. should hobbs have taken a knee instead of running that back? was that poor sportsmanship on his part by running that back? he has a job to do and so does the rest of their team.


Like i said man, I dont care if they score 20 TD’s

You simply dont need to go for it on 4th and 1. They can run it back on kickoffs, score Defensive Td’s all day long, and they can throw all over the Bills and Moss can have 8 TD’s. I defy you to give me a legit reason they need to go for it on 4th and 1 2x in one game. With as big a lead as they have.

why did i not put money on this game?