Build your own sportscar

+lots and lots of +1s

tru indeed.

i would never have the attention span to not have this built in like a month. id be like i want to drive it now .

:tup: to dedication and serious commitment

what about using a 1000cc motorcycle engine for one of these… figure tranny and motor are ~250 lbs, and your looking at a solid 150hp if the bike is an 03 or newer and you can rev to 13000 rpms… if you wanna make it rev really high buy a newer 600 and rev to 16k and put down 115-125 hp…

would it be feasible to build though?

I wonder if the torque deficiency wouldn’t really hamper the engine in the car. Or the extra weight may have side effects such as wreaking havoc on the clutch…

Might work though.

Only if he could feasibly maintian the $2007 total build cost for the entire car.

DSR, CSR and now F1000 all use bike engines in a 1300+/- lb package. All of those are rolling starts.

newman posted a vid on here some time back with one of these sporting a turbo hyabusa(sp?) motor

:tup: looks good, keep up the good work. What kind of welder are you using? You have that funny brownish ‘smoke’ residue around the tacks like your using stick.

It has been done… see “Caterham Fireblade”.

Not stick, I hate stick welders, I’m using a flux core mig welder.

Not much progress because of the storm and returning to work, but I did manage to get the rear suspension test fitted (Minus the Panhard bar for now). So next week I should be able to finish up the suspension and start on mounting the engine.

Hadn’t checked the thread in a while, looks to be coming along nicely man. I can’t wait to see this thing completed!

Looking good man, keep up the great work, and great write up

No roll bar? Or are you going to bolt one on?

Looking good! Keep up the good work!

There will be a roll bar

I posted that a LONG time ago. These cars are definately insane. Love them…

updates?!?!?! :slight_smile:

Wow. This is the first I’ve even seen of this thread. Congratulations on doing something 99% have wanted to do but only 1% have the drive to accomplish. You’re doing a great job. :tup: I’d like to steal a ride when it’s done :slight_smile:

i think i can take a guess as to the updates

he started the new job and is running low on time…

That and I burned through my initial budget. but not to worry, I have all major components to get it running by spring (not road legal yet, but autocross worthy and ready for shakedown)

Major suspension components are finished and ready to paint, I painted the rear control arms silver because that’s what I have laying around, but I’m not sure what I should paint the fronts? Silver (to match the shocks) Body color (indetermined), flat black?

Also I have Samurai motor mounts on the way, so once I get those I can mount the engine, get a driveshaft built, and start attaching components.

no progress?

this is the first thread i check ever damn day. give me something… anything…


anything at all