built ka-t having hard time starting!

built ka-t hard time starting!!

Have been having an issue turning the KA-T on after it has warmed up, before it wouldnt even turn on after it was warm but now after I changed the distributor today due to a sensor in the old one not working properly,it kinda fixed that issue but not really.

right now what happens is when I turn the car on when cold it comes on right away but after driving it for a bit and turning it off the only way to turn it back on is to pull the fuel pump fuse, crank it till it starts and uses all the fuel then put the fuse back in and start it.

Also I stalled the car(yay to rb20 flywheel 350z nismo unsprung clutch )on kinda of a angled street(angled so the water goes in the gutter area)and when I tried to start it all i got was white smoke!! I was soo scared that I blew the head gasket but after I did the whole pull the fuel pump fuse and put it back in thing it started up.

the only things I can think of being an issue right now are the following:

  1. leaky injectors(probably not since they were in my other ka-t and I just removed the rail and put it in this one)

2.blown fpr(dont know the Symptoms)

  1. leaky headgasket(if this was the case wouldnt I have white smoke all the time?)

the setup btw is:

ross 8.5:1 pistons
eagle rods
cometic headgasket
rebuilt head
650cc injectors
n60 maf
tuned ecu w/ safc2(tune is for 550’s using the safc for taking away 15% fuel so its not rich)

any help you guys can give me would be awesome .

I recommend doing the following:





Put one of these in


ya I could do that but then I’d be really slow :smiley: ZING!!

Is your coolant temp sensor working? make sure it’s not stuck in some cold-start mode in which it dumps a lot of fuel even when the motor is warmed.

please dont take offense, but the man asked for help with his issue and you tell him to replace the set up with an SR! i noticed it alot on forums, ppl giving advice that dont help the mans issues at the time! so wouldnt it be better just to answer the question within the issue! cause basically right now your doing what you dont want ppl to do in the for sale section! this is not taking shots at you because i know ALOT of others do it! You are like a guru to most ppl with 240’s!! im just saying!

I’m with bing…

but in the mean time its your coolant temp sensor for sure… check it. Replace it, trace the wires.

Don’t have to say a word:


Dude I recommend www.ka-t.org theres a lot less slack talkers on that site.

its all good :slight_smile: I dont take any offense to sr guys :smiley: they like their gutless motors and I like my brass balls motor :). we have different tastes thats all :p.