burning oil WOT

“Feel” it burning oil? Interesting. Anyway, also make sure the correct oil is in it. I’d give Valvoline VR1 20W50 if it was mine.

my guess is it just was pissed off at you for not taking out the z06 to cruise with the rest of the heavy weight domestics. You brought a knife to a gun fight!

I still love you.

i know whats wrong with it…dump some whey protein into your motor. thatll do it

Def a catch can is good…Vacuum pump. … …,.if theres too much crankcase pressure… ( /or sometimes a small jet in the turbo oil feed line to reduce flow…if the problem has always been there, especially on hard decell)

exactly, i had to put some small jets in my feed lines. easy fix. and i also have some big ass line going to a catch can.

Car looks good even though it burns oil. Just rode by your house. Stole your air caps.

neg’d looksexys2000

Sounds like PCV system issues and a catch can will take care of that. The seals on the turbo could go bad but I doubt it.

I need one of those still!

Hahah thanks for reminding me too. I have to again.

Dumpy car

1.8t what do you expect

Could be the hpv.

Just dump some 20w50 in it and call it a day. Thicker oil doesnt burn as much as thinner oil.


jeez, i hope not…i was also thinking that the IBS might be causing the problem, but i quickly ruled that out… im pretty good at diagnosing problems


Yeah we forgot about that didnt we. lol

PM me again, give me fitting sizes/type/quantity. recirc or vented.

I usually make them from 3" dia aluminum tubing for the body. so find a place where you can stuff a 3"X##" tall tube and let me know the MAX height for the can. (this is bottom of can to top of can if recirc’d or top of breather filter if vented)

I’d get used to posting threads like this if I were you.

yea i know where all this shit is, but with my evo it was so much easier to get rid of haha

took off the valve thingy that attaches to the intake pipe and low and behold…oil residue. yup im thinking its the shitty PCV. so Pete, i like your style, lets just vent this shit to the gound where it came from.