Bus monitor bullied

No Jesus is. :wink: If everyone was more like Jesus this world would be a much better place. I can’t wait for the arguments against that. lol

Oh and by the way I never said people should be religious. I did mention religious participation is down because it seems fewer people are acting morally which obviously can be linked to religion since most teach “good” morals.
Let me be clear, I am not pushing religion but I do support being more Jesus like.

She made over $8000 in the time it took me to take a shower just now. I’m jealous.

That’s def fair enough, not that my 2 cents matter to anyone else nor do I care that much. :wink:

You can milk anything with nipples. Focker, Jesus has nipples…can you milk Jesus?

Shut the fuck up about religion you morons.

“Christ”, can’t we just keep one topic without bringing in some pretend fucking entity?


It’s funny you mention that. Because I spent Pre-K to 8th Grade in a Catholic School. Now, I have 0 affiliation with any church, religion, or higher being. That being said IF I were to have children I would send them to a Catholic school, they provide far more structure than public schools, and I feel the education is better. I think they should be exposed (not brainwashed) to other religions and make the choice later in life.

Statements like this are as annoying as the people waving Jesus signs.

The issue from what I have read/studied is early indoctrination is very rarely broken. Think about it, you’re taking a blank slate in its most impressionable time and letting others etch on it with their twist/propaganda. I’m not having kids but I wish there was an in between option for parents. Broad exposure and some home schooling as well, that might lead to balance and diversity. To each his own, as long as we get to a point of liberty and respect for free will. :slight_smile:

PS this bitch is at $340k and will probably hit $500k by next week. I don’t agree with rewarding her monetarily for her inaction, her reward should be whooping the kids asses. LOL

I would not say that the education is better, however children who go to catholic schools are generally better behaved because it traces back to their parents. If you’re sending your child to a catholic school you want them to have decent morals. Public schools are more like “get the fuck out of the house and go learn something because i am not supporting you after yo child support runs out bitch” (probably a small population lol, but still)

last 25 posts… Wait… What?

each kid deserves a severe physical disciplining by their parents and a few weeks of picking up trash on the side of the highway or at their school dressed in orange jump suits… then 4 months of serving food at soup kitchens then 4 months of other shit to give them a reality check… then another beating.

the parents should of gave the belt to these kids

Blue eye your god is dead

Those lil fggts deserve more than ass kicking. I hope u guys would all say something and not let any kids or people do this

---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

Where is the bus driver?

Lol Jim, my post was laced with sarcasm/trolling.

They should replace her with the meanest motherfucker they can find, like an ex-drill sergeant or something, will full permission to scream as loud as he wants of course. I hope she makes enough to retire.

Almost to 500k!

With all respect, fuck this bitch.

That’s a very good point…parents paying damn good money for private schooling are most likely more tuned in and not looking to just piss away that money by raising a total POS.

LOL…THIS! I thought it would take a few days to hit $500k but viral gon do what viral does. 8/

The money thing is totally absurd. In fact its borderline outrageous. It’s sad what happened to her for sure, but there are causes far more deserving and needy.

My guess would be she uses the money for some sort of charity.

I fully expect she would. But still, it all seems pretty misguided

You can sum alot of kids problems with parents period. These days parents want to be their kids best friends. You are a parent not a friend. Also you are raising young adults not kids.
Secondly and this might offend people and if it does I’m sorry but it’s what I believe. Unless there are some very rare circumstances, the mother should be at home raising the kids while the Dad provides the income. I’m sorry if you can’t afford to have two newer cars and stainless steel appliances because Mom’s at home. Oh well. A Mom’s place is in the home but the world wants to make you believe that she should be working to and make as much as you can. Why so some stranger can raise your kids and in this world, who knows what they will teach them. My wife gave up a $40K a yr(take home) job when our son was born. Would it have been nice to have the extra money? Sure it would’ve but for what to buy more toys? When he goes off to school she will probably do some sort of charity work.
Thirdly When You can’t disipline a kid you are at their mercy. It is only going to get worse folks. There is no way for it to get better. Well there is but I’m not wanting to start all that up again because I know where it leads.

I agree with your sumation of the problems. I have an issue with some the proposed solution though, mainly because of the inflation factor. I admire your earning capacity and entrepreneurship alot as you know, mainly because you are anything but a typical American. Most of America (“99%” or whatever you prefer to call the segment) are suffering, requiring both parents to work just to provide the basics + healthcare. Many aren’t educated enough to earn a good living or smart/disciplined enough to do what you for much of your income. They are stuck in the rat race of life, the fallout is generational and won’t get better till we see BIG changes.

I’ve always said the parent with the better earning capacity should work and the other stay at home for the kids. Kids need guidance and when both parents are punching a clock they end up in these “Latchkey” type programs with all the other under-guided children. The kids also feel less than important and as such they rebel to gain the attention they require, kids need to know they are important and doing a good job. I could ramble on and on about the psychology of this issue but I think the above sums it up for me.

Consider who America’s biggest employers are from this video and imagine the quality of life & level of income those workers face. I dunno how they don’t off themselves honestly, what kind of life can you live earning minimum wage? We need our manufacturing jobs back realistically. IMO anyhow.