Bus monitor bullied

Remember when this was a car forum? What was that, like 6 years ago?

What car did you have?

Hopefully the money will be donated to an organization that does awareness for this sort of thing. There was a documentary released on bullying not too long ago, but the Film Rating people dropped the ball and gave it an R rating which means they’ll never show it in schools. More things like documentaries and talks would help.

I hope she spends all the money on a Ferrari and follows the school bus around flicking off the kids :lol:

LOL, yeah, either way

One person took a bunch of crap and essentially won the lottery.

National news coverage of how middle school kids sucks.

Kids will probably get shit for life because of this incident.

Everyone wins

Good for her gettin that paper. Haters gon hate.

Hopefully she retires, invests it properly and sips pina coladas for the rest of her days.

She was seemingly unable to manage her money with a low 5 digit income…a windfall of half a mill might prove overwhelming for her.
As long as she doesn’t change much about her lifestyle and doesn’t take on an entourage of crochet & bingo buddies she’ll be ok.

Did you see the thread I made about The 6 Hours at The Glen? Crickets. I even tried to give away tickets to get people to go. lol

[sarcasm]What car did you have?[/sarcasm] <-read that in a childish nasally mocking voice. Thanks.

Yup, ask this guy who knows all about losing millions due to an entourage…

Hahhahahahahaha Well done

as of 2:22pm, the money is up to 529,066

Re: my sig. “Loosely-based” is generous.

Those little fuckers are going to have to live the rest of their lives knowing that because they are a bunch of shit bags, someone’s life got better. I hope they remember this when they are working 60 hours a week to bring home $700.

Why you hating on a 40 something a year?

AT 60 HOURS A WEEK for $35k a year? Yeah.

Working 0 hours per week on PA you mean?


apparently the site keeps 9% though lol.
also i heard the school was saying how she wasnt doing her job all this other crap blah, and said absolutely nothing about the kids doing what they did.