Calabogie HPDE-Club Race July 17-19th

I’m in on the caravan Thursday.

EJ at TWO events this year?! To what do we owe the honor? :smiley:

me too. I’ll just bring a blanket then.

And yeah, I’m heading up friday.

Byron --You have a bed assigned to you ( I have you and Zeke in one room --2 beds)
Lyndon was slow to committ --so no Bed left.

But I am sure he can find someone to snuggle with. It might be one of the animals at the petting zoo, but there will someone/something.

Doing my rain dance at 110% enthusiasm level now.

you shut your mouth right meow, by the way I hope you and Tom know I will be sleeping on your floor.

The animals at the petting zoo may help keep the bugs away… I’m all for it. If I find enough of them, I’ll be able to skip out on bringing a sleeping bag, maybe even the tent, for that matter.

There’s always an upside…

Damn I left you off my list. Are you working Tech/Grid in addition to driving and class?

holy shit. it will be good to see a lot of you guys! What is your expected arrival time so I can plan accordingly, coming from this side of the state.

Probably be at the border between 2:00-3:00 on Thursday and at the track by 6:00 for Tech ( open 6-9) Thursday.

At the track on Friday until ?

If you still need me to help out. From what Jesse is telling me, race grid won’t be very taxing…

Oh ok. We will be coming out Friday. I suppose we’ll come out earlier than late and come right to the track. Can I tech out there sat morning or do I need to get tech’d locally here?

Byron- what time are you planning on arriving on friday?

I’m not leaving until 8pm or so. I was also planning on going straight North like I did last year and go to Canada that way. I don’t really want to use i-90 all that way with no cruise control. Lew and I made good time last year. With only one car and leaving later in the evening I should be able to do even better.

You need to fill out the pre-event tech form (ie. thorough tech of your car here) before you go up and then we do an on-site tech inspection for the basics (throttle returns, brake lights, wheel bearings/tie rods, fluids, etc.)

Oh ok. I think we’re going to leave around 10-11am ish and its 5 hours for us, so we’ll be there around 4-5 depending on crossing the border. Is your cell num still the same? Although I only try to do texts in canada if I even get service.

Ok cool, thanks.

  1. I’m tired of beating on those bitches at GVC.
  2. It’s important to nurture friendships, and I’m determined to catch up with my Patroon pals after having a great time at WGI in June.
  3. Frickin’ WGI pummeled my brakes into submission, so I’m hoping Calabogie is kinder.
  4. I’m overdue for some Patroon leg-humping.
  5. After Watson told me he stuffed his M Coupe on the warm-up lap, I had to see this place for myself.
  6. I’m just going so DJ will shut up.

Choose any 3.

Can I pick #6 three times?


OK – so you realize that Patroon events are a different level than the other chapters. OK Heard that one many times.

Bring spare pads

And thank you --Glad I could help.

Jeff --I was going to buy you a bed at the Motor inn --but since you want to shut me up … I will ( on that topic)

Was it going to be with the donkeys and the rest of the barnyard animals?

I think I am going to caravan with Jesse so that we can break up the size of the groups.