Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

No, still MW2.

The infinite ammo glitch/hack isn’t nearly as widespread in ground war, I was on for a few hours last night and only ran into two lobbies with it.

how the hell are people doing that ??

Cheating in online play is weak. I havent had any run ins on PS3 yet… Not that anyone cares but I was playing gungame in CounterStrike, and there was a guy clearly cheating. 64-3 in a game where everytime you kill some one your weapon randomly changes.

Couldn’t tell ya man. Leaderboards>score>sort filter. Go to the top… How the hell are people playing for 49 days??

People Boost. That’s why you see Prestige 10s already.

I actually have respect for some of these game hacker guys, instead of mindlessly wasting life playing games hours on end. They learn about game coding, find loop holes around security and can gain new skills that can be applied later on in their career. +1

Oh yeah dude. Same with people who steal. They can’t use their abilities to get a job so they steal to get what they want !!

Software hackers can get picked up by software companies.

Correct good sir! My 2nd cousin was picked up by mircosoft for reasons such as this.

I was just playing for an hour or two in 6 or 7 difference lobbies and no one had it, so I was fine. It’s stupid annoying though, as witnessed last night at JVG’s.

thats cause dumb kids are online during the day. Late night is when the losers hackers show up to fuck up everyones fun. I just turned it one was fine for one game and some fuck ruined it the next.

My 2 buddies figured out the infinite ammo cheat. It’s a cool cheat but I won’t be using it.

I don’t understand the hack, have never seen it. I played for a bit today, played a few matches, never had it happen

I went 49 and 6… I was pumped. I called in 2 ac-130s

theres also the private match glitch

+1… its really no fun at all when your playing online to cheat, I enjoy testing my skills against others.

I dont understand what they accomplished there

im with you, doesnt seem like there is any benefit whatsoever

They are boosting, i.e leveling without doing any real work.