Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

:facepalm :lol

99frc you only need xp to prestige.

im not watching it…

+1 on claymores being awesome. I got like, 15 kills over two matches with them. For some reason I don’t think they’re as effective in non-hardcore.

problem is most people point them into a door or hallway. too easy to run by them and get beyond the blast zone before the delay. you have to set the claymore up so that it’s pointed where you expect them to be after they trip the laser. have to remember it only kills in the direction pointed, you can stand immediately behind it and not get killed.

And put them in spots where people wont be sprinting by them.

finally got me a fucking nuke
yeaaa daaaaaaaaawg

What map?

Where on the map did you find a good spot?

What weapon?

What killstreaks?

nice i fuckin hate wasteland. I dont even have nuke as a killstreak, i think my longest killstreak is like 13, i die way too much, rambo FTW

i hate it too because too many people noob tube, rocket launch, or just chuck grenades inside the bunker. but the match i got the nuke nobody did any of that so i got extremely lucky to have even gotten a harrier let alone a nuke

It’s hard to see the majority of people wanting to play any other multi player shooter until the next CoD is released, such is the quality of what’s on offer here.

I got 30-0-0 playing FFA in Afgan Sunday morning.

UMP .45 (Silenced)
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Ninja Pro

Predator Missle

Strategy was I started on the cliff side of the map. Ran to the right past the jeeps, killed 2 people there, ran into the bunker, killed a sniper, ran out the other side killed two more people, layed down in the high grass, called in my killstreaks, when they were done, ran back in the bunker and got my last 3 kills there.

Having withdrawls. Must return from caribbean and get my skills back.

^ UMP is very underated. I use it a lot now silenced for close quarter battles with tactical knife magnum.

Wasteland is the worst map in the game imo.

Supposedly this fix all patch is supposed to be out soon, to stop this car package glitch shit

I pretty much only use the UMP .45, I have killed guys up close and on the complete other side of the map with it.

The only class I use assault rifle for anymore is for killing nuke boosters. For that I have the ACR w/ Launcher and RPG x2 for the secondary. Semtex grenade with Lightweight, Marathon, Sit-rep (you can see the tactical insertions better).

I spent almost my whole time playing on saturday finding lobbies with Boosters. I can’t stand when everyone else is trying to play a legit game and these little fags are in some corner shooting themselves.

hey Murdog, we got to play again sometime. ^^ :ninja

it needs to be done now, im sick of the fucking cheaters that do this

I don’t think i’ve run into that yet. What is the glitch?