CALLOUT: 05+ Black Stang GT that tried on the Red Cobalt

i can get there whenever, I just never seem to be going by at those times when everyone is there, i only live 5 min away


ballin, a 35r will fit in your car. i talked to chris about this and he said thats what the cobalt guys use


That’s big ballin’

Baltin, how big is the “bigger” front mount you are getting? Alot of us GP guys use a actual radiator from a different model car. I dont know how much room you guys have though. I ditched my AC and run a front IC radiator that is pretty much the size of my engine radiator. DEF. helps.

Oh, and what color is your cobalt? I’ll make sure Im ready to run you if you’re next to me. :wink:

you will smoke me, but for the fun of it why not. Its red, you will know my car beacsue of my moronic license plate.

Im going with the AFCO pro series dual pass heat exchanger


:biglol:Best video on youtube eveR… Love the black leather jacket jesse

Wow! LMAO… I guess I missed half the story…or Muscle 50 doesnt like “friendly=no money” call out. The anger is strong with him. :rofl:

wow that was awesome, now i really want to race him

i can swing by at 9ish tonight if u want to

omg we racing for $$$$$




  1. Why would you pull up to the line against a Mustang GT, and NOT be ready for a pull. I mean, it’s not everyday that you get a chance to catch a light, ya know. You should have been better prepared for him to make a move.

  2. For all of the P+J haters. I don’t know what you guys consider fast, but a white P+J fox was at lancaster this weekend, running high 5’s, with plates and mufflers.


word :shoot:

siqqqqq? sick? or sicccccc?


Wanna try to win the money back you lost for your buddy faggot? Race me


Jesse, I wish I grew up to be as cool as you are man.

O and I am not that retard to try and race you Jesse.


O and I am not that retard to try and race you Jesse.



Jesse, I wish I was grew up to be as cool as you are man.


I dont know, you sound kind of retarded to me

Also he wasnt half throttle he was full, he chirped the tires shifting and thats the only reason i knew he was going.

Hell Ill give him a car head start and this time ill launch and I bet i walk him down.

Really!! you were in my car. It’s called torque, thats why the tire chirp. OOO ya and the traction control was even on.

Race me!!! Race me!!

Firebird with exhaust!!!

LOL thats it LOL

oh no shit!


Jesse, I wish I grew up to be as cool as you are man.


i know, must suck to be u

Wait…who’s racing…I might want in. Not for money…and not for charity…just for fun.