CALLOUT: Budsdubbin


I love these threads.

I will post up a couple of things that will be shocking to most:
1.) Budsdubbin, is actually a good guy in person. I have known him for years. Anytime someone has car issues he helps out. As far as it coming to him “beating on his chest”, he was not doing it, his friends were talking about his car and got people excited. Like I said, buds is actually a good guy, but if you do talk shit about people on the internet, it will catch up to you so becareful what you type on here because budsdubbin may call you on it just like I would.
2.) As far as acting like a highschool bully thing, didnt you do that JT76 because you stopped everything you were doing and had to prove to be the big fish in the small pond? You drove “in the middle of op” because someone MAY have had a faster car? Then from the people who were there, you acted like a prick and kept saying “my car is stock”. If you have a fast car, just say it, why the hell would a person drive all they way down to a place to “race” a car that MAY be fast on a “stock” platform? If I am going to race someone, its the point of having fun, if you want to look under my hood, or better yet you can go to my “builds” thread to see the build step by step, more power to you. The “its stock” comment is so old and dumb, seriously.
3.) When buds has his car fixed and tuned, the race will be pretty good. JT76 could still win or buds could pull him.
4.) Also the comment of fwd sucks and is a terrible platform, go watch the video of mindless or elmisterio, or kingsario, or layzie raping rwd cars all day long. Again that comment is so old and dumb.

You forgot mrsmith.

i figured if I said mrsmith people would say, he has a s2000. but your right.

You are so wrong and off base it is not even funny. How can you breath with your head so far up your ass?

  1. VW kid parks car…gets out, yelled “RACE WARS!!!” Let’s do this! Yes your little buddy starts shit, talks a big game, and puffs his chest before a single person there said a word. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  2. We nor Jim cared about how fast a car was going to be when we showed up. All logic told us some VW was not going to be an issue. The issue was the VW kids talking shit to one of our friend’s little brother. Winning the race was a formality, we just needed to put some ego’s in place.

3)No, Jim will win again. That kid will pop that VW before he can beat a car of Jim’s or my caliber.

4)Those people are the exceptions, not the rule. Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock, Pro Mod… I can go on. They are all RWD because professionals know it would be a loosing battle to invest in a platform designed for economy not speed.

are you talking about just/ karter?

Out of all those hondas andy b listed i believe 3 r still around and two do digs

LOL U MAD too?

Popped collar in 2003 , girl pants and veedubz in 2011, the world keeps turning. My Grandfather is still alive and is a retired railroad worker, don’t think that one is getting me far :gotme: One of the reasons i am not waiting behind the school after class for mr. franklin is because a VW would look gay in the garage of MY house, like i said too much to lose. You should do some more homework.

Why do you always come to the rescue of morons? Remember when you told everyone they were going to get “clowned” by that kid with the 240? :lol:

He may in fact be the greatest kid in the whole world. I may have a beer with him and we end up being best friends! What I am saying is:

1.) My first impression was of someone who liked attention and was going to make a scene to do so
2.) when the fan club was not present he was cool to talk to (as i have stated before)
3.) someone who didnt really know about the type of car he was about to run (he thought my LS1 was an overhead cam motor and had no idea what i was talking about when i told him it was cam in block) so i guess it may be easier to over estimate one’s own car when not having knowledge of what others are capable of?
4.) Going to fight me over a race/ posting on Nyspeed about what happened in person and the events leading up to said race
5.) Generally getting mad over cars/races/car forums

Some more thoughts:

When i said my car was stock i was obviously joking, it was on 28" slicks and barely runs due to the nature of the cam. If you cannot figure that one out, there is little hope. If i would have went through the time to open my hood or tell them what it had it would have been a waste of time as no one would know what i was talking about. Just as i would have no clue what is going on under the hood of the Vw (but like i said, CKY89 and a couple others gave me the “mods list” and apparently they have no idea what the car had either)

I did not “drop everything” to travel the long trip 3 miles from my house to Orchard Park. For the 100th time i was told there was a FAST Volkswagan and I had to see that one for myself.

Side note… where is your fast honda that you were building? Honest question.

The only 2 hondas that i have seen around here that impressed me were/are : Mindless’ car and MrSmith’s S2000. The other ones are ancient history, the only time i ever saw Lazyie’s car it was parked at southgate or broken down after racing f bods so i cannot comment lol.

come on, you know that 302n20 would never lose to a honda :roflmao:

I still don’t know who this people are? When i went to panera meets there was like a 30r or 35r gti but i don’t know what the kids name is? He seemed cool in person

1.)if someone gets out and yell “race wars” at a meet, its called talking shit? or is it having fun? when I pull up there and people yell “vteccccccccccc”, I should get out and fight people for talking shit?
2.) Sticking up for a friends little brother? Was your friends little brother in physical danger or did the big bad v8s have some personal beef with smaller cars and engines “claiming to be fast”?
3.) you call always turn up boost, you cant turn up NA, thats a fact, could pop, maybe, maybe not, time will tell at the rematch
4.) Should any of the hondas that I mentioned show up to put yours and jt76s ego in check? Your sig says it all, your happy with your 11.51 all motor car when that is almost 1.5 seconds slower then mindless “gay fwd” car.
5.) You post up “to your caliber”, your kidding I hope because if your thinking 11.51 is fast in a RWD car, your saddly incorrect. You and jt76 need to remember one thing “there is always a bigger fish”.

That kid with the 240 did come down and everyone there actted like they were going to shit their pants, that is a fact
Honest answer, my honda with the 35r built motor by your friend, Firehawk is sitting in my garage waiting for my tune at John D’s dyno and a valve adjustment. Unfortunately it takes more time to build a car when your married, owning a house and have two kids. I have much more pride in that then some 20 year old car. Thats being honest.

ya, cuz karters far from small

I digress,

If Budsdubbin would like a rematch that is fine by me.honestly i feel like this is a moot point, you would really have to make some changes to make up the football field of last run, but all the power to ya and i hope it gets sorted out. If and when you would like another try, We meet @ mighty go out and get it done. Like i said, car will be coming off the road very shortly for an entirely new setup so fix your issues asap. I would like to put a few $ on it just to make it sting a little for the person that loses and to make it interesting but i guess not. I would like to do this on a track because we all know what happened the last time there was a big deal made out of a race on nyspeed :confused: … So this time, get out of your car and don’t act like a douchebag and maybe we can get off on the right foot. I will try to keep my jokes to a minimum, euro guys are a tough crowd :lol: As my good buddy Choda once said “after it is over we can slap 5’s and i may even let you buy me a beer”. Sign up for wnyfbody and just PM me when you would like to do it (i am one of the admin over there and am on there at least a couple times a day, or PM me here but it might take a few days for me to catch it) And that is that!

Was that diplomatic enough for you nyspeed? :slight_smile:

Andy B: The Firehawk is sitting in your garage??? were all fucked :lol: Why is it that anytime there is a FWD issue mindless gets called into it? He doesn’t even give a shit about this nonsense and is the only “honda person” i have ever seen hate on hondas lol …:tup: to you for putting home and family before cars though. I am taking the plunge this winter on my car on a project i have wanted to do for a few years. I guess it is my “end of college” gift to myself :slight_smile:

I think he is and if he is he’s got it comming for him cause if he ever saw him or talke to him or even knew him he would shut the fuck up lol, karter would eat you for breakfast lunch and dinner and deff doesn’t wear areocrombie


What ever happened to the friendly, humorous trash talkin’ callouts. Suggest you go to Empire (and run each other legally without killing each other and the public) and none of this rolling start crap. Josh can rent an amateur boxing ring, set it up near the burnout box, and if you can’t work it out on the asphalt, you can finish it in the ring. If that doesn’t work, I can spank both of you on the track, then you’ll have something in common and you can both be friends. (disclaimer: previous sentence typed in light hearted humor font)

did this VW have stretched tires?

firehawk built it, jim from j&j

I fucking hope so.


Having 2 cars, especially 1 super modded car and still living at home is really funny to me.

newman as much as you and I argue on here, I am still a big newman fan, not for this comment but the fact that you are still a straight shooter, and tell it how it is.

Thats the thing, everyone makes fun of me for as long as it has taking me to build my honda (the del sol) but taking my kids and wife on a cruise or to disney, seasme street place etc, is more fun then putting a bigger turbo or injectors in my car.