Can I cut tree branches over my property ?

Well my nextdoor neighboors tree sits close to my yard. His tree branches come over my yard and its annoying. Im 6 ft tall and everytime I cut the grass I have to duck several times inorder to cut the grass. Ive had problems with them before so I dont want to start further conflict I just want to cut the branches that go over my property line.

cliff notes : Can I cut tree branches going over my property line if the tree isnt actually in my yard ?

can you knock on his door and ask him? :picard:

Can you read and see ive had problems with him in the past therefore I do not want to go on his property or talk to him.

my dad does it all the time lol, he cut half the tree down basically. he didnt give a crap

I did it to my neighbors. Not sure of the legality on the subject though.

Ya my dad passed away about a yr ago so hes not here to do that lol I wish he was. Basically I just dont want to start shit with them they will do something like try to call the police on me i just wanted to see if there was some sort of law in place.

chopping his tree apart(without asking) is likely to piss him off a bit. However, you being a nice, civil human being and simply asking him if he minds you trimming, might cause a bit less trouble and at least will show some common courtesy.

Then again, if you are already on such bad terms that this guy doesn’t even want you on his property, well than it sounds like you are probably not very civil. In that case, might as well just cut down the tree so it falls on his house.

Even though you’ve had problems with him I would still ask him 1st to handle it. If he then refuses you can atleast say that you tried.

Iam very civil im 18 years and do not look for trouble at all. Im not going to get into why we dont get on good terms but bassically things happend with my sister and HIS daughter and drams occured. This happend way back and are families dont talk any more. I was probly 12 when all this occured so nothing I could do.

What are the chances of getting a two dead birds in your drive way with bb pellet wounds and blood all over in your drive way laying next to each other. And than a while ago a received a bird in my lawn with his head chopped off. Im not one to judge but I can kinda guess who put them there. Would you want to walk up to some ones door step who probly planted these in your yard. :frowning:

O can I add that he recently cut that tree but on his side of the property only. Iam going to take pics first and than cut away. Thanks for all the help.

Sounds like a 12 pack of beer would resolve all your problems.

throw in a dead dad and you got a whole big big of

This fucking thread makes my head hurt.

I dont have a daugther wtf r u talking about and by the looks of your pictures it looks like it sucks 2bu

You may not have a daughter, but you still suck at using the english language.

Are you kidding? Being me is AWESOME. I’d let you try it for a day, but you’d probably get someone pregnant.


Oh sorry it was a typo I dont proof read my post one


I dont have a daughter…sorry