Can I trust buying this?

I want to ensure it will fit properly before I go and waste the money on it, but I would like to buy it tonight. I wanna get this bitch fixed before the photo shoot.

99% of 276,584 buyers gave him positive feedback.

as long as this is the part you need, I’d say go for it :tup: - fit and quality guaranteed! haha


do it steven!

Thanks guys!
Bought it :slight_smile:

I read thru thier feedback, seems like they take forever to ship, and if they get it wrong, you pay return ship.
Hope it all works out for you, good luck.

ah well as long as I get it, it’s still cheaper than the 119 I could find it every where else.


thats a lot of feedback, do it, even if half of the feedback is just from some fradulant buddy buyer of his, its still a lot of positive feedback

Bought from them before; decent parts, nothing great, nothing horrible.

As long as I don’t get some dented pos that doesn’t fit it doesn’t really matter, right?

lol $45 shipping

That would be why the part was $18. Ebay only takes a % of the sale cost, not total. It is a very smart way of doing ebay business. Sell something for a very low price and over charge for shipping. You pay far less in fees in the long run.

its also a fender, and fenders are odly shaped bulky items that are expensive to ship…

You get what you pay for 9 times out of ten.



i bought my parking lights from them and i think they are better than factory. so crisp and clear.