can you put more than one router on powerlink

currently have 2 computers 1 printer pluged into my router in my house i want to drop a line out to my garage/shop can i plug another router in out there from the one inside and plug in 2 more computers can it be done easilly with out having to change ip adresses and stuff

yup, easy to do, just slave the 2nd router to the first. should say how to do it in the users manual. I’ve got a 24 port switch pluged into my primary router.

You won’t be changing IPs, if your router is set to DHCP it will automatically assign an IP to any new system on the network.

Why not just run a WAP? Less time and effort on the setup, and less cable to deal with.

ok thats what i thought can i use a hub instead of router

id do wireless but neighbors too close with wireless crap i need it secure

um…128bit WEP?

wep? sure… if u want to piss the h4x0r off for… 30 seconds.

Ok mr. 1337 haxor. I’m sure you can crack my wireless security in 30 seconds.

then restrict by hardware address too! You can hold’m off for a whole minute!

according to this there’s atleast 2 marketed software’s that can do it generally between 5 seconds and 5 minutes.

you can do anything with money.

or time…

or both…

do you neighbors have money? Oh wait, im’ sure they don’t care THAT much about the shit that you have on your computer to even take the time.

Yes you can use a hub instead of a router.

Unless you are sure your neighbors are l33t hax0rz then I wouldn’t worry too much about using wireless. Just lock it down by hardware address, and add WEP encryption. Change up the password every few days if you are really that paranoid.

omg all this talk about haxing is turning me on.

wow honestly it would be easier for me to run cat 5 plus its like 200 feet away i dant want weak signal issues plus i dont want to buy all that wireless stuff i have a box of like a 1000 feet of cat 5 just sitting here im goona do that thanks for the help guys

Well if that’s the case, might as well use 10% of it :tup:

Planning to wire your entire house and got distracted?

Get a wireless access point use a wep key and turn off ssid broadcast…theres a bunch of other shit you can do also. Just do those and you will be fine.

Nah it would take me about 30 minutes to get your wep key.

All I need is two laptops with wifi cards, and two copies of backtrack livecd.

I’ve been practicing here at work, I setup a couple linksys routers with 128 wep keys, and can get them pretty fast.

Even with the ssid broadcast OFF, many programs can still see the network. This is a fact.

Your better off using wpa-psk, not wep at all.

I would honestly like to see that.

Yeah, but you can see the authorized mac addresses on the network, then just change your mac to one of the authorized addresses.

Just for the record, 99.999 percent of the population has any idea how to crack wep, so its probably safe unless you live next door to some techie.