Canadian Border / Front Plates

So, I’m planning to take the Stingray up to Toronto Motorsports Park at least a few times this year, and I never run a front plate on the car, because fuck front plates (same on my A7). Local cops and troopers have never once cared or pulled me over in either car, but I get the feeling that the Canadian border may disagree more strongly. I could mount one, but that’s annoying and typing this post takes less time and effort.

Anyone ever head over the border rocking no front plate before? Have any issues or successes to report?

No reg, inspection or front plate displayed, zero issue at the border.

Duly noted.

My ML63 has been over the boarder a bunch with no front plate. No questions or comments about it.

I’ve only had a problem once, but they have no authority to give you a ticket. I was honest and told him I knew it was illegal and didn’t like how it looks. He didn’t seem to know how to respond to that, and was just a dick.

Leave the radar detector in the glovebox lol. For some reason the mounties don’t like that.

I never run a front plate on either vehicle and I cross weekly.

Same. Nfg

I drive my mini with a euro plate over the border. no problems

I cross daily with no front plate and my V1 still on the windshield, no problems. Might be different if you don’t have Nexus.

All great info. Thanks guys. Looks like I won’t waste my time mounting a plate.

No plate, no exhaust, no problem

I have noticed more and more trucks not displaying plates, at least around these parts.
Wish NY would just scrap the front plate altogether.

No front plate is no issue unless the CBP officer wants to hassle you. But we (CBP) cant give any tickets for that.

If the officer has a keen enough eye and sees reg or inspection out of date it could be enough reason to pull you over for more thorough inspection: ie call local PD and see if they want to take it.

I learned early on that its not worth the hassle trying to tell US citizen travelers that they need a front plate on their car.

I dont run a front plate on the Miata and have crossed with that plenty of times w/ no issue.

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front plate? fuck that shit.

Good info. Thanks sir. Car will be inspected, registered and insured properly, so that sounds smooth sailing.

Then you have people like @IanK with no plate and no insurance and reg showing :slight_smile:

Yeah, for sure. I drove the Corvette back in from Michigan via Canada with a paper plate in the rear window and nothing else last year and wasn’t hassled even remotely, which was odd because making a Michigan paper registration would not exactly be rocket science. It appears that the apathy is relatively high for vehicle related items.

Not their job to care about petty vehicle crap. They’re there to keep the border secure and collect import taxes.

Last time I checked front plates aren’t federally regulated.