Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

Did any of you retards even read my second post?


Hence the LOL at the end of the first post. FUCK!

Also you guys are the same ones who say don’t take everything on here so seriously…and you are reading to far into my first post. INTERNETZ IS NOT THAT SRS.

I’ll fight you.

Harley’s still suck though


Seriously. They do.

Just had the story on News 10, seemed to be more detailed then the article, but the Albany District Attorney sounded like an idiot when he speaking about the situation.

LOL yeah you’re right I probably did say some shit like that

nothing you said will be taken serious, ever again because that shit is so whack you couldn’t be serious

I love you lance

this should be a good enough explanation for the whole thread

but nah…


get all pumped up over some shit u see on the news, perky attitude jumping all over the place and then u finally get an answer and are too much a derp to derrrpppingetttittt

Media always fucks things up. Theyre scumbags and liars. When i was 12 and my mother was stabbed i couldnt leave my house to go to school or visit my mother who was about to die for a few days because they would literally sit on my door step and wait for me. At 12 years old, i remember one of them hitting me in the face with a recorder and asking me " how i felt ". Daves one of the most honest people i have ever met and if he likes you he’d give you the shirt off his back. Ive watched countless people come in and say they have a set price they wont go below and Dave kindly says im sorry but this is the price i will do, its worth X amount of dollars and this is what ill make off of it and encourages them to look other places. Some leave and come back with amounts told to them by other stores and Daves are usually way more.

haha yea, Yo Rita’s attempt to stir up the pot is a complete failure. Coming out of the woodwork to get a rise from shift members. Typical slug activity

Thats what happens when you date people whose hobbies include dumpy vw’s and facial hair.

SLUUGGGGGGGG ahahahaha oh shit i might get banned, that was a compliment for the record

fuckinnnnnnnnnn ROLLIN OVER HERE :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

capital cash for gold ftw, fuck the media.

As much as you guys love to hate the media you do realize thry aren’t the ones bringing the charges right?

It’s very possible he’s getting caught on a technicality but Yo Rita speaks the truth, if the law is present your scales when asked than guess what. He messed up and broke the law when he didn’t. Than on to the weights, if they set up a sting and they were going off the weight HE TOLD THEM, as the story says, than he was again breaking the law.

He says the customer never sees the scales, DA says otherwise. Or whatever government body is dealing with this, on my phone and don’t want to go back to chevk.

All of course assuming the news is correct in their facts which everyone knows doesn’t always happen.

I wasn’t going to say anything in this thread, but seriously, they must love other people’s business.

Should worry about your own lives.
3. <---- Seriously though, the trend shows just wanting to know how much people are getting/what they’re getting/doing with their lives.

Capital Cash for Gold did nothing wrong really…When you go buy a car or ANYTHING and lowball the shit out of them and they take the offer because they need money, INSTANT SCUMBAG, right? By everyone’s logic in here it seems that way.

It was probably already mentioned, but if Dave is paying people MORE than what some jeweler like Hannoush or Glen Peter’s would for the SAME AMOUNT of gold I don’t see where that becomes a crime? Because he uses “unauthorized” scales for his own knowledge? There’s probably a ton of fucking people that go in there just looking to get some cash and are happy as shit to get something for what they bring in. I could see if people were going in and being like “what a fucking ripoff, this is bullshit etcetcetc”, even in that case they could take their shit and walk the fuck out if they don’t like it!!

Dave and I are the only ones who know the real truth. And it is not how the media has reported it.

Most obvious and not mentioned… 1/2 troy ounce off …at WHAT FUCKING WEIGHT? 200lbs? 30 lbs? 5 lbs… 1 ounce? Fucking story is useless without a baseline. I own a NYS registered lab that requires machine calibration and I have to go through a ton of shit to be sure my machines are properly calibrated… but NYS knows there is a discrepancy expectation at some levels. With a scale, perhaps not, but at what weight was it 1/2 troy off??? this could amount to tenths of a percent!!! WTF WTF

Ive witnessed Dave offer money on jewelry and not use a scale at all. Bottom line is, yes, it looks bad, and maybe it is, but for fucks sake, its a pawn shop. Not one that feels like Glenn Peter when you walk in. Thats besides the point… fair is fair i guess… but again, at what weight was it off 1/2 troy.

Lastly, we all know this was likely a witch hunt for a guy with an attitude and a record. They also may assume many sellers to small pawn shops like this are criminals… who knows…

At the end of the day all we really know is they are reporting that at some mystery weight, his scales are off. Aint that a bitch.

Want a story Times Useless??? How about this. My mother was VP of Realty USA for 20 years. She had THE WONDERFUL Northeastern Fine Jewelers make hundreds of lapel pins… 14k with three gemstones. Gave them to the agents… paid hundreds of dollars each when gold was cheap. custom made by them. Now, years later she had a few hanging around and took them to Northeastern a few months ago to sell… they went downstairs, came back and said…sorry, these are not gold, made them check twice… upon telling them how they were obtained, they offered $50 per pin.
Receipts pulled would indicate they should have been 14k solid .

The gold industry is full of scams anyway. I say this was a witch hunt for someone who treats the law with little regard… He’s always done me and my friends well… paying more than offered elsewhere…

Ummm… Innocent until proven guilty anyone…

I hope some news agency read that and runs with it Jammer.