Car crash - head count, check in

That was uncalled for. We are having a discussion regarding this whole matter and you start with the childish name calling.

Why don’t you leave? Trust me more people here are sick of you and your e-thug attitude than me giving my opinion. Fuck that why don’t you personally make me leave. Come over to my house and force me to leave. This is your last fucking warning, im getting really sick and tired of your bullshit attitude. Every fucking day you get worst. I don’t blame you, Theres only so much ass pounding you could have taken in high school before turning in to…Well you.

Get back to the topic and don’t ever insult somebody over their opinions. Two way street my friend. Your glad that they died? There is something wrong with you. We have no idea or proof that these kids were street racing. TODAY on my way to work I got passed by a minivan with at least 10 people in there. That car is a 7 seater so does that mean they should also die?