Car crash - head count, check in

Look who’s talking. The E-thug himself. So what are you trying to prove by saying you’re sick of me and my attitude? Maybe you should look up the real definition of an E-thug. I called you an idiot and asked you to leave, I did not theaten you. YOU threatened me. So stop being a hypocrite and suck it up buddy.

And why would I waste my gas and time to go to your house to make you leave an internet forum thread? How would that even guarantee to make you leave? How stupid are you? Does that even make sense? How old are you dude?

Like I said, you missed the point once again. (With you getting passed by a minivan.)

How is it a last warning when you’ve never warned me before? Like I asked earlier, how stupid are you?

Also, what does asspoundings have to do with anything? Like I asked earlier, how old are you?

Thanks for coming out.