Car crash - head count, check in

This is exactly what i was talking about. You are an E-thug. You just told me to get out and I told you to make me and you back off. Its fun talking big on the web but when you get confronted you sit DOWN AND SHUT UP. You are an E-thug. I had a small comment and you told me to Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here. I’m not an e-thug all im saying is come over to my place, and if your cheap i will pay your gas, and make me leave.

Where did I threaten you? I just gave you a warning to stop this shit before SOMEONE gets pissed off and does something about it…AGAIN.

Your the idiot for thinking people like me are just gonna take your crap. To answer your question im old enough. probably older than you. What does age matter mark when your brain is the size and has the capacity of a diseased rat?

Why would you just call me random names and tell me to GTFO? Are you the son police? Do you think your the king here? Enough is enough. The ass pounding comment means that you probably got beat up a lot in grades KG-12 and there only a certain amount of beating a kid like you could take before snapping and thinking hes the incredible hulk or something.

And Cal, I know it was uncalled for but this guy has been a tumor on SON for a long time. No one wants to call them out and when they do he backs off and whines a lot.