Car crash - head count, check in

3 on 1 you were fine? Any you kidding me. It was 1 on 1 and you were hiding behind that glass door. Who just embarrassed themselves there? And I remember how you were bullshitting to some guy on msn on how “you will only fight for your family” and “You could have kicked the guys ass and didnt”. Oh ya, I know my shit too. You were hiding behind that door like a little bitch.

Im in no way threatening you but im telling you if you want me to leave then make me. E-thugging is when you get up and tell people to get the fuck out or leave and when they ask you to make them you back off. I never said im going to kick your ass. I just said come to my place and and CONFRONT me if you have a problem with me.

Trust me im not in high school and I really dont mind that you consider me and e-thug or not considering i never made any threats towards you with any physical harm other than the open invitation i gave you to show up at my house. Cant you read you retarded, inbreed, end-result of an affair between a man and his mother, I never threatened you, Stop making it seem like i did.