Car crash - head count, check in

I was hiding behind a door? If I was hiding, why would I go in, get changed, and come out?

How does that make sense?

Blah blah blah, stop crying dude. Try getting attention somewhere else.

EDIT: Anyways, I’m sorry if you can’t accept the fact that I didn’t get my ass kicked even when I was at home relaxing and not expecting/ready for a fight. But if it helps you sleep better by thinking that I got my ass kicked, sure why not.

And you didn’t say come and confront you. Seems more like you were implying for me to try and fight you. And your insults are pretty weak. I’m actually insulted that for someone who is supposed to be so smart, can’t come up with anything better. Go Google something and get back to me before this thread gets locked.

P.S. If you wanna call someone a retard, it’d help A LOT if you stopped acting like it yourself.

Thanks for coming out though.