your a fucking moron go to hell buddy. you think just because he made a bad call having others in his car and “street racing” that he should loose his life. get real buddy your pethedic. its not only the driver’s fault. im not saying he was not a complete dumb ass for street racing with more ppl in his car then it could sit. but the passanger’s had a chance to enter the car or not. and in the end the blame can not just be put on one guy. SON get real and stop chewing this kid apart, is it not bad enough he lost his life at such a young age?. oh and for anybody that thinks i dont have a right to come in here and stick up for this kid because hes the reason insurance is so high, im only 18, driving with my own car, under my own insurance, so just like the rest im getting rapped up the ass. just my 0.002