Car door lock problem

Ya I just got the lock back today they said its fubar lol. The tech told me it looked like it had been unused for many years and the guy just left his car unlocked. So I dont know what to do now?

get remote locking doors … mine have been foobared for a coupla years now …

Ya I think that is the best way to work things. I will just be getting a alarm system that has remote door locking as a option. Two birds with one stone kinda deal, would have been nice to be able to use the keys though but oh well. Now I am just trying to find insurance that dose not sound like the yearly wage of a typical teen lol.

If you get a lock from the wrecker’s and bring it to a locksmith he/she can recode the lock to fit your current key. Therefore, you can install a working lock and not have to use different keys for different doors.