Caroline Kennedy

I have no problems with owning rifles, shotguns or even handguns. I even think NYS pistol permit rules are a bit much. I just don’t see the point in owning a firearm capable of shooting multiple rounds at a time.

I know that their are civilian versions of rifles like the M16 that are not designed to be fully automatic, I dont have a problem with those. Just automatic firearms.

With that said if it is found that people on a large scale are modifying their firearms so that they are fully automatic as I have heard being done to civilian version assault rifles then the next step should be to ban those weapons that can be modified since people are being too irresponsible to own them.

Again my view: Shotguns, rifles, pistols are ok / Machine guns or any gun capable of firing multiple rounds with a single pulling of the trigger not ok.

You should never have been sent to Iraq, only Afghanistan and only people with your amount of training should be allowed to even handle an automatic weapon.

PS: I know the Assault Weapons Ban is weak, but I believe it should exist for automatic firearms.

My argument against automatic weapons bans: Who are you to tell me I can’t own a full auto weapon? I have been trained and I don’t have a criminal record. I can kill you just as well with a knife, a fork, a car, or even a pillow. Should it be illegal for me to own any of them because they are “potential lethal”? And outlawing guns because they can be ILLEGALLY altered to fire full auto? THAT’S NUTS! In that case, all cars should be illegal because they could, in the wrong hands, excede the speed limit.

There have been hundreds of people killed in Europe at soccer games. I think THEY should be outlawed.

Personally, I don’t think there should be seatbelt laws either. Who are you to tell me I need to be safe? How do I hurt anyone other than myself if I don’t wear a seatbelt in my car?


Yes you can kill me with basically anything, but I can kill a lot of people with a machine gun. If you can give me a legitimate reason why you should be allowed to own a machine gun other than pleasure you could with this argument.

Here is the question I pose to you, should your enjoyment allow for a potentially dangerous weapon to be massed produced for the public use? A child did die this past fall at a gun show due to an automatic weapon. Is your enjoyment worth that kids life? If they were banned there would be no weapon to accidentally kill that child.

I know it sounds like your being punished for the mistakes of other people but thats life and it happens to you everyday. Your not allowed to go as fast as you want in a car because someone else went too fast and killed either themselves or someone else. Even though you could go 70mph on every road you travel on in your entire life and never get in an accident.

Bottom line, keep the military grade weapons in the military. Because if you can have a machine gun, then I want a fucking grenade launcher.

I want you to have your grenade launcher!

You can kill alot of people with alot of things that are still legal. TWO kids died last year when they locked themselves in a trunk and cooked themselves. Should car trunks be outlawed?

I guess I’m a Confederate at heart. I respect your opinions and quite literally fight for you to be able to voice them. You’re just wrong! :slight_smile: I joke, I guess I’m just tired of having my rights taken from me, that’s all.

I think my main issue with people of your mindset is that you have forgotten what a firearm really is. Its a weapon, designed with one thing in mind and that is to kill. Maybe its because of your tours in Iraq and Afghanistan where you carried one every day and had extensive training in them. You have gotten so used to them that they become just ordinary objects in your world but they are not.

You keep comparing how people can die in trunks or car accidents but those are not the same scenarios brought up by this debate and most people see that.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t believe you would do anything stupid if you had one, but not everyone has had the experience that you and the rest of our vets have had owning a weapon of that kind.

I want you to imagine the dumbest person you have ever met, a true fuck up in life. Maybe the class reject when you went to school. Get a good picture of him/her in your head… then have him walk into a gun show and walk out with a machine gun.

Because if you want to be able to buy one then you have to let him/her be able to buy one.


U no.

what the fuck happened in here.

They let you drink, have access to a car. More children are killed in auto accidents and drunk driving accidents in one month, than in all the firearms accidents in 10 years. Yet there is no call to curb stupid drivers.

Its all fun to blame an item and call it dangerous. But when they come for your toys, its not so much fun.

Our founding fathers didn’t give us the second ammendment so that we could hunt, to shoot pretty disks of clay, or to punch holes in paper. They realized that some day there was a possibility of a government run rampent with un-checked power. It’s when the people lose control, that they need a way to protect themselves. Your not going to protect yourself from people with guns, with kitchen knifes.

If you want to see how violent crime IS NOT changed by weapons laws, look at Britian and Australia. They now have to ban knives and FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Because people are still involved in violent crimes, and people should not try to protect their house from fire, they are untrained, and risk hurting themselves. Now thats a “nanny state”.

Humans are violent, and I hate those that wish to harm others. But if you come in my house to hurt my family, your goint to die in your attempt. No person will attempt to, or will do harm to my family, and live. Not an empty threat, its the truth.

Usually those that are on the Democrat side, like to believe that they are more educated than those on the Republican side. I’m just a dumb redneck that likes his fast cars, guns, and beer. Well pull your head out of the sand, look at current examples of what you want out of life, and see if its working. Then look at history and see if the things you want to do could remove your ability to defend yourself. Keep in mind, its very easy to enact laws, very hard to repeal them, especially if those in power happen to like the law. (think C.A.R.B.)

This is a way to look at it. You can remove the political parties, and add any subjects you like. If you take what I love away, when they come for what you love, guess what, i’m letting them take it. Why would I stick up for people that took what I loved away, because they were scared.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

This happened:

Were discussing that point, the Obama leg humping clothing line thread is over there ~~~~~>

Um, those pretty much are limited to those that have the cleanest of backgrounds. They are so hard to get, no person has ever used a registered FULL AUTO (thats the phrase that you needed, sorry you sounded like my grandma when it comes to describing firearms) in a crime, except for a police officer. Look it up.

All the other full auto weapons that are not registered prior to 1986 are already illegal.

There its clear for ya. No person can buy a full auto weapon in NYS. In every other state, to own a full auto weapon, you have to pass an FBI background check, get a judge and local LEO sign off on it, have proper storage for it, it cannot cross state lines, and it had to be originally registered prior to 1986 (oh and they cost around $15,000 or so) So your AWB ban has nothing to do with Full auto bullet hoses.

So again, what is an assualt weapon? and why do you want to ban them?

I love how StrokedZ28 is all for an assault weapons ban, then his posts clearly show he has no idea what was actually banned by the expired law or what an assault weapon is.

He’s a hint, the “full auto” weapons he’s afraid of already are illegal. They were illegal before the old assault weapons ban and they’re still illegal today.

So maybe instead of saying we need another assault weapons ban you should get your head out of your ass and at least learn a little bit about the weapons you’re trying to regulate.


The government is not going to go into your house and take away your guns (as long as they are legal) but where do you draw the line?

Weapons are only getting more lethal. How come I can’t buy a grenade launcher or an artillary cannon.

There is no legitimate reason other than “for fun” to have an automatic weapon.

You need to read all my posts before you reponded I already clarified that the only weapon I want to see/keep banned was automatic ones.

One more thing. As someone who’s actually fired a fully automatic weapon (a very illegal mac 10 owned by a friend back home) I can guarantee I could inflict far greater mass casualties with a semi-automatic rifle and several legal 10 round clips. With a fully automatic weapon you spray a relatively small area and the clip is empty.

Fuck it, I want a grenade launcher.

If this conversation is too much for you, you could just stay out of it. :shrug:

Again, those are ALREADY ILLEGAL. No need for more regulation.

Again, further proof of your lack of knowledge on the subject. More than one round at a time? How, multiple barrels? I’ve got a double barrel 12 gauge that I can “give em both barrels” with, but I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about. I believe what you’re trying to describe that you’re afraid of is a weapon where holding the trigger will result in multiple shots being fired, one after the other. This would be a fully automatic weapon, and it’s already illegal, no need for the stupid ban you’re supporting.

As stated, we don’t need another ban because the weapons you claim to be against are already illegal here.

Then what do we need an assault weapons ban? The full auto weapons are already illegal.

Jesus m16 christ… I didn’t realize how many times I was going to have to say this when I started multi-quoting you to counter your “you should read what I posted” bullshit. But anyway, for the upteenth time, fully automatic weapons are and will remain illegal, without Ms. Kennedy’s proposed assault weapons ban.
