Caroline Kennedy


I love vegas.

god I’m glad its not jan 20th yet.

lol It’s too little for me. Too little logic. Too little thought.

Here’s two for you to chew on:

Is a weapon not defined by its use?

Is anything beyond what is necessary for basic survival not owned purely for pleasure?

But back on topic, we’re replacing one unqualified bitch in office purely because of family politics with another. Seems appropriate, no?

Hopefully it won’t happen, but it appears that the media has already chosen her.

Fixed. At least first lady gave Hilldog some political experience. It’s not like she purposely spent her life trying to avoid politics then became our senator.


I’m going to change my name to Joe Roosevelt when I’m ready to get into politics and run as FDR’s long-lost illegitimate grandson.


x2 on everything about Kennedy. I want someone from upstate and one that has held public office.

Higgins would really be perfect for the job. But you can give a big fuck you to the media and NYC for making him the longest of long shots.

Don’t count Higgins out yet. Brown however, seems to be off the list.

One of the “10 to 15 good candidates” would appear to be Rep. Brian Higgins. Higgins is among those people the governor asked in the past week to fill out a background check questionnaire for the job.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, however, was not asked to fill out the packet.

:lol: at Brown not getting the packet. Nice was of saying, better luck next time you useless empty suit.

Another great quote from the article…

“So I would ask the question back, why do you all pay so much attention to her? She’s just another person. So what? Her name is Kennedy? Why do you pay so much attention to her? I’m not reacting to what I think, I’m reacting to what I see,” Patterson said.

:lol: So many terrible blind jokes… so little time.

Anyway, :tup: to Patterson basically telling the press to stop all this bullshit about Carolyn Kennedy. Now if he ends up choosing her we’ll know he’s completely full of shit, but it doesn’t sound like he’s leaning toward her right now.

In your response you addressed the idea of using guns to overthrow the government. This is ludicrous. Our government is armed with weapons that dwarf what any private citizen should be allowed to buy. MOAB. Thousands of nuclear weapons. Predator drones. Even if that had been the original intention of the Second Amendment (and maybe it was, if only to Thomas Jefferson who thought that Democracy had to be fed the blood of patriots regularly to live), it’s moot now. Even if machine guns were legalized, there’s effectively nothing you could do in this era of warfare. And against this completely unrealistic scenario, you’re willing to balance a thousand Waco, Texas style incidents, as lunatics with automatic weapons lock themselves up to avoid taxes and government regulations that they don’t like. If you arm the citizenry with loosely restricted automatic weapons, then you have to arm the police with the same.

Sounds delightful.

^No, there are plenty of NRA members to take care of the House and Senate members.:slight_smile:
The military would probably be happy to help.:slight_smile:

Yeah, except then they are less likely to get paid. :lol:

Except Hillary came in and did a few good things for Upstate NY. She lived in the Finger Lakes, supported NYS agriculture, and supported the Buffalo Medical Campus. Kennedy is going to live in NYC, and pretend that we don’t exist.

^ When did Hillary live in the finger lakes? Her and Bill had a house in Chappaqua, NY in northern Westchester county. AKA, mega buck NYC suburbia. All she’s done for NY was attach her name to things Reynolds, Schumer and Higgins have done. For the last 2 years all she’s done is run for president, using us as a stepping stone. I was actually happy to see Obama nominate her to a Washington job because it gets the carpet bagging bitch out of our state.

There is not legitimate reason to own a 500HP car. But people do. There is no reason to own a dirt bike then, or a 6 wheeler. or a smow mobile. Or 80% of the ship people buy.


The second amendment WAS written to ensure that the government would not become too powerful. Seriously people. If you are going to argue something like this at leasy study the federalist papers and know what the fuck you are talking about. Good effing lord. I mean honestly now. How ignorant can you be.

If it were not for an armed populace, the government could do anything they wanted. Throughout history, it has been proven that governments must be kept in check. If you dont believe me look at the most recent major example…I think his name was…oh yes…Hitler!

Edit: If you want the ultimate assault weapon, look at your basic 12 gage shot gun. Fully autos look cool on tv and in movies, and in situations of actual battle they have their uses…but ask anyone with any real firearm exp. they will tell you that accuracy > all. If I were to go on a killing spree I would not use something that sprays 30 rounds in 4 seconds. I would use something that I could peck people off at 1/2 mile away without being seen. I fully believe that people should own whatever type of firearm they want. Be it a fully auto Uzi, or a MAII. It comes down to personal responsability. Go ahead and own a fully automatic mac 10. Shoot the fuck out of pumpkins and bottles and targets. But if you use it in a crime, then you should be sevearly punished. I dont think the answer is banning these firearms, but instead harshening the punishment for being irresponsable with them. Any state that has legalized fully auto firearms will prove that what I just said works.

It was the Anti-Federalists that pushed for a Bill Of Rights if they were going to support the Constitution not the Federalists, you dumb ass. The right to bear arms was not about the people being protected from the government, it was due to the constant threat of invasion, please find me this argument in any speech or corespondance between delegates during the Constitutional Convention that said it was for the peoples protection from the government because I have never seen that argument and bulk of my study is on the Constitution.

And don’t make the comparison between Cars and Guns thats just stupid.
