Caroline Kennedy

Hitler also built roads. BEWARE THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. :lol:

Society isn’t simply broken down into “law abiding citizens” and “criminals.” Everyone is a law abiding citizen until they break the law, at which point they’re criminals. Cho Seung-Hui was a law abiding citizen until he took his guns and started killing people at Virginia Tech. People are not as stoic as they like to pretend. Give everyone weapons, and it won’t be peaceful. People will not be satisfied with some sense of mutually assured destruction. Sure, robberies and burglaries might subside. Carjackings might go down, a little bit.

But what’s going to go up? The number of cheating husbands and wives that are shot in the heat of the moment, instead of divorced once tempers have cooled. The number of cops that are shot on routine traffic stops by some terrified person who can’t afford to get a ticket.

People who have guns have an always-present awareness that they can use it if they absolutely have to. And they do, when they’re angry, or scared enough. It’s easy enough for them when it’s this easy to get a rifle or a shotgun. We don’t need to make it easier by allowing automatics.

You say this like it is a bad thing.:slight_smile:
Maybe that is the problem, we don’t have enough guns.

“I can’t believe I caught this bitch cheating. But I’ve only got a Colt 1911 and I really don’t feel like pulling the trigger more than once and what if I miss? If only I had an AK. Oh well, divorce court it is! Do de do…”


edit: beat me to it, but I was going to replace colt with a butchers knife :stuck_out_tongue:

“Gosh, that cop made me angry, I only have this AR-15, too bad I don’t have a bazooka.”

We should legalize RPGs for US citizens.

while I agree with you somewhat, should guns be taken away, or should people be better educated on responsible gun ownership and the consequences if they mess up?

If someone really wants a full auto gun, they can do it themselves, so banning full auto weapons seems like a moot point. besides, have you ever fired a semi automatic? it’s not hard to unload a magazine in a second or two… not sure what the huge difference is (especially if you’re a good shot). If anything, IMHO, I’d imagine that firing single rounds, bullet for bullet, would do more damage

edit: it’s funny that this is such a big issue with politicians, yet gun deaths in the US is a drop in the bucket compared to tobacco related deaths (and insurance costs)

I see you’re finally starting to see the light! :lol: :uhh:

Hey, I’m all for separate insurance pools for smokers so that you have to pay to play. That’s a whole different topic.

I don’t believe a society is safer by having more weapons in it. If we licensed everything, made the licensing process more streamlined and easy, and revoked licenses for criminals, that might be one way to ensure that guns are only in the hands of law abiding citizens, while expanding gun rights - but most gun groups are terrified of licensing/identification programs. :picard:

finally someone who gets it. :bigclap:

So for those of you making the argument that gun control does not stop crime because criminals don’t care if their guns are legal or not, and by keeping them legal we have more control over who gets them and stop the funding from going to black-market sources, how do you feel about the war on drugs and marijuana legalization? To me, the 2 issues go hand in hand but I know a lot of people that are split.

I believe marijuana has much more reason to be legal than guns. Not as dangerous, better practical uses, just as fun. :lol:

marijuana should be legal. there is so much bs time and money wasted in courts and jail because of it. It is not a hardcore drug. It has similar effects to alcohol, in that it doesn’t last very long, though it is safer than alcohol because you can’t od on it.

(CNN) — A majority of New Yorkers hope Gov. David Paterson nominates someone besides Caroline Kennedy to fill the Senate seat soon to be vacated by Hillary Clinton, a new poll suggests.

According to a new survey from Quinnipiac University, 31 percent of New York voters prefer State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo get the job while only 24 percent want Kennedy to get it.

In a poll conducted by Quinnipiac in late December, a third of voters favored Kennedy while 29 percent wanted Cuomo.

Meanwhile, Reps. Carolyn Maloney, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Steve Israel all draw single digit support.

Of course, just one man’s opinion matters in this race — and he’s not talking.

What was that about he’s legally required to make shit short list public but won’t do it?

He clearly doesn’t want to be re-elected.

I don’t think he’ll be re-elected.

It’s NYS, of course he will be re-elected. We forget about these things.

He didn’t see that part.


Sorry, elected, in order to be re-elected you have to be elected in the first place.