Caroline Kennedy

Yeah, it’s even on CNN this morning.

Hopefully it’s because NYers were so harsh to her.

“Bitch, this ain’t Massachusetts, you’re not a queen here just because of your name”. :slight_smile:

She never had a lot of support in NY from the start. I’m glad to see her go.


See, much ado about nothing. Looks like Saturday is pick day.

I accidentally the whole thread.

Pretty dumb thing to say. More than likely her withdrawal has a lot to do with the resistance she got from NYers. There were a lot of people in this state, even political people, who didn’t sugar coat their displeasure with her jumping to the front of the line. When you grew up a sheltered Kennedy hearing someone badmouth you probably comes as a pretty big shock.

more than likely her withdrawal has a lot to do with Paterson giving the heads up that she has no chance and her trying to save face. He’s given no indication at any point in the process that he had her anywhere near the front of his line, only that she is in the same group who was welcomed to apply as Byron Brown. :smash2: This whole story was largely a creation of the media.

Without the major pushback you know damn well she would have sailed right into that senate seat. She was the favorite from the start, even among NY democrats.

I don’t buy it. Paterson showed no indication that he gave a fuck what anyone thought about this one. He kept stressing “This is a one voter election, and I’ll pick who I damn well please.” Her main selling point was that she was an early backer of Obama. He backed Clinton. :gotme: I doubt he cares. He probably only interviewed her to get the women’s rights people to shut up.

“The governor had no intention of picking her because of how badly she botched her rollout in recent weeks,” said a source close to Paterson who spoke on condition of anonymity. “It became very, very clear that she was not ready for prime time. She has no policy experience and she couldn’t handle the pressure of the public stage.”
The source also added that Paterson became concerned that she is "mired in some potentially embarrassing issues,‘’ including a “definite tax problem, potentially a nanny problem, and people have been looking at her marriage.”

Sounds like he cared a whole lot about how NY reacted to her first few interviews.

So I’ll say again, :tup: to any NY’er who bitched and complained about this woman with no experience making the short list. You’re the reason she dropped out.