Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

amen to that… that why kids are all growing up to be whinny fudge packers… oh no we gotta put padding on the play ground, oh no we gotta use soft baseballs, oh no we gotta get rid of bugs bunny cause he’s too violent. etc etc… fuck maaaan most of us grew up playing in the dirt, watching looney toons and playing real sports with real rules and real balls. now they dont even keep score in some leagues because some kid might cry! the wussification of america is its damnation. people can’t stomach anything anymore. by the time these kids now grow up they gonna think they need to poke a hole in a tree and make love to it. lets be green, everyone be nice, etc etc :grouphug: <---- this doesn;t work not everyone has to like everyone.

teach the ABC’s, 123’s , the 50 states etc etc… dont pollute them with political bull shit.