Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

:stillwaitingforyoutopointoutwhereitsaysstudywaspe rformedongradesk-12:

It doesn’t need to specifically say it was for K-12- even the quickest read of the article shows it’s clearly oriented to K-12 school shootings. Check out the little kids on the cover page and the “School Crossing” signs posted throughout- along with the continous references to minors, their interactions with other minors, and their interactions with “adults”.

Also, these things come in waves. I doubt a civilian carrying a pistol would have helped when Whitman shot up the U of Texas Austin in the 60’s.

True…but on the flipside, the two goons who were shooting up the street in Hollywood with AK-47s after robbing a bank were only stopped when a local gun store owner provided the police with civilian owned rifles to borrow.

I actually had to edit my post as I read a little more of the article. I’m starting to change my opinion…

I think of it this way…

We trust other people all the time. Trust them not to rear-end us if we pull out when it’s a little too close to call. We trust the cabby not to drive off a bridge. We trust the chef didn’t poison our food, and we trust the people around us aren’t intent on doing us harm.

Now when it comes to gun free zones, I’d like to trust that everyone is obeying that law, but we know it’s not that simple. I prefer to trust myself.

i can see both side & the positive & negatives of both

some poeple are spooked more then others.
like a discussion we had a while back about the hill district, & someone saying they are scared & carry when driving through. personally i have no problem going through the hill, eastlib, homewood/laketon/brushton, etc…
some other member said he delivers to those areas all the time @ odd hours & have never felt threatened or @ risk.

some people are victims & some are not…its just like when people say don’t act scared around a dog…cause they sense fear. certain people get preyed upon & others don’t.

as far as personal experience…there has not be 1 time that i wished i had a gun, but there have been many times i’m glad i didn’t have one, cause i’d be in jail as we speak.

& here in lies the problem…the majority that would carry are not.
plus there are gonna be tons of tough guys/hardasses (trained or not) that are gonna pull a gun on someone over a girlfriend dispute, dispute in the gym, @ a frat party, etc…

I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think one must “feel threatened” in order to be in danger. I have never understood that concept the I “feel safe” in Oakland/Compton/Brooklyn, etc mentality. I am a little too objective for that. There are many potential risk factors in any situation, and I tend to look at every situation from that perspective.

I don’t necessarily feel at risk on an airplane, but I understand the risks that exist when boarding a plan with 100 strangers.

There is no amendment to the constitution guaranteeing you the right to sit in a classroom full of unarmed people.

Maybe there should be…in fact maybe i should make a thread whining and crying about it while in fact doing nothing about it… or heres a thought, lets follow to a T something that was put into effect 220 some odd years ago… cause clearly nothing about the united states has changed in that amount of time that might mean a change is necessary. the USA is an ever changing society and our laws need to keep up with it… and certain rights given to us 221 years ago may or may not have been taken advantage of and in need of some change. like i said 458 posts ago, im all for carrying and rights blah blah blah… just not in the classroom. and apparently alot of ppl agree with me b/c its law.

normally I would stick up for the ACLU, but i think they are flat out wrong for staying neutral on this issue.

A lot of people are idiots. Please fucking explain to me why you can have a gun when you’re in the grocery store, at the movies, at the mall, in church, at most sporting events, etc… but when people are sitting down listening to some asshole tell them what is what, guns have to be banned.

Its stupid. It’s pointless. It’s a result of asshole politicians trying to look “tough on crime”, and it’s a byproduct of America’s obsession with overprotecting children.

If that was directed at me…I’m a lifetime NRA member. If you’re truly against guns you could join up with the Brady campaign, but I feel dirty even mentioning their name.

ok your right and while were at it why dont we just start lettign ppl carry guns on airplanes too… more ppl have died due to terroristic activity on airplanes in the last decade than have died in school shootings on college campuses… and im sure it could have been avoided if ppl were allowed to carry on the airplane… so why dont we just go ahead and allow that too! im sure the world will be a safer place.

it wasnt directed at you adn ive stated before in this thread that im not against guns in general and i do own guns myself! your missing my argument completely!

amen to that… that why kids are all growing up to be whinny fudge packers… oh no we gotta put padding on the play ground, oh no we gotta use soft baseballs, oh no we gotta get rid of bugs bunny cause he’s too violent. etc etc… fuck maaaan most of us grew up playing in the dirt, watching looney toons and playing real sports with real rules and real balls. now they dont even keep score in some leagues because some kid might cry! the wussification of america is its damnation. people can’t stomach anything anymore. by the time these kids now grow up they gonna think they need to poke a hole in a tree and make love to it. lets be green, everyone be nice, etc etc :grouphug: <---- this doesn;t work not everyone has to like everyone.

teach the ABC’s, 123’s , the 50 states etc etc… dont pollute them with political bull shit.

I would have no problem with that whatsoever.

no, like me he thinks your argument is fucking retarded. And you still havent answered my question.


well think what you want but it is what it is… and for the last fucking time i will not give you any manlove! ask chad!

Please fucking explain to me why you can have a gun when you’re in the grocery store, at the movies, at the mall, in church, at most sporting events, etc… but when people are sitting down listening to some asshole tell them what is what, guns have to be banned.

pleae read my previous posts…you will have your answer… its not the answer you want to hear and want everyone to accept but its a VALID answer, and one shared by the majority. after all if it wasnt, then youd have your way and the US would become even more retarded.